While the pope and Mr. Bush differ on such issues as the Iraq war and the death penalty, they do find common ground in opposing abortion and gay marriage. White House Press Secretary Dana Perino. "President Bush is very excited to have the Holy Father here. One of the reasons he is so excited…
虽然教皇和布什总统在伊拉克战争以及死刑等问题上还存在着争议,但是他们在反对堕胎和同性恋婚姻上是达成一致的。 白宫新闻秘书佩里诺表示:“布什总统很高兴教皇的到访,其中一个原因就是因为他们在很多事情上都能达成共识。”与这位德国出生的教皇的正式会见被安排在这个星期三,那时会有上千人到白宫来欢迎他。 在教皇六…