• 罗密欧与朱丽叶的偷吻当选为英国最浪漫的艺术品(双语)

    [en]It has been said that romance is dead in the modern age – but our hearts are still [w]hankering[/w] for it, it seems.[/en][cn]有人说现代早已没有真正的浪漫,但我们似乎依然拥有一颗追求浪漫的心。[/cn] [en]This painting of a stolen kiss between the most famous [w]star-crossed[/w] lovers of them all has been voted the most romantic artwork in Britain.[/en][cn]日前属于罗密欧与朱丽叶这对最著名的苦命鸳鸯间偷吻被英国民众投票选举成为最浪漫的艺术品。[/cn] [en]Experts say that Romeo and Juliet, painted in oil by Frank Bernard Dicksee in 1884, remains popular because we all still crave ‘passion and [w]faithfulness[/w]’.[/en][cn]专家称这幅由Frank Bernard Dicksee于1884年完成的油画之所以一直深受欢迎的原因在于大家仍然对激情和忠诚充满着渴望。[/cn] [en]It shows the Shakespearean couple sharing a kiss after their wedding night, not realising it is to be their last.[/en][cn]莎翁笔下的这对眷侣在新婚之夜的那一吻,没料到成为了生死离别之吻。[/cn] [en]Art [w]critic[/w] Godfrey Barker said: ‘It creates the [w]impression[/w] death is close but love will never die. Romance is a dream that still lives in the hearts of millions.’[/en][cn]艺术评论家Godfrey Barker说:虽然这对眷侣与世长辞但他们的爱情将会永存于世。浪漫是一场美梦而且是成千上万的人依然所渴望拥有的。[/cn] [en]The painting, at [w]Southampton[/w] City Art Gallery, received 71 per cent of votes in the Art Fund survey to mark Valentine’s Day.[/en][cn]据悉在由艺术基金会在情人节到来之际发起的调查活动中,这幅收藏于南安普顿市美术馆的画作得到了71%的选票,无疑当选成为最浪漫的艺术品。[/cn] [cn]声明:双语文章中,中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。[/cn]

  • 永远的莎士比亚:《罗密欧与朱丽叶

    命中的茱丽叶,而他这个罗密欧也找到生存的意义。虽然他下笔如神,可是他却得面对薇拉必须嫁给魏瑟爵士的残酷事实。年轻的莎翁不但得为他的剧本想出完美的结局,也得为他自己的爱情找到快乐的结局。  能写出这样的作品的作家本人也许有同样的经历,《成为简奥斯汀》明显不是首创。《莎翁情史》这部片子小编没有看过,不过估计通常不会有什么完美结局。那些Happy Ending也许只存在在作家的笔下和心中。罗密欧与朱丽叶的故事到此并未完结,我们可以发现很多相似的情节,比如《梁山伯与祝英台》,比如《情人结》。 更多影视学英语,点击进入影英学堂 莎翁名著介绍 莎士比亚的作品是西方文化的经典,从莎翁的笔下也流传出很多谚语和俗语。今天是世界读书日,有空的时候不妨来研究一下莎翁的原著,感受一下原著的快乐! 李尔王 哈姆雷特 奥赛罗 仲夏夜之梦 麦克白 十四行诗 威尼斯商人 第十二夜 莎士比亚传记  

  • 道格拉斯•布斯将出演新一代罗密欧

    住了我。作品里的优美文字和曲折故事真是太不可思议了。”[/cn] [en]He also said that he identifies with the character himself. He said: ‘Being blinded by young love. I remember the feeling, when I was younger and I first fell in love—you don't see the world the same way that other people see it. You don't see the same boundaries.’[/en][cn]道格拉斯还认为自己和剧作中的人物性格很像。他说:“我知道那种被幼稚爱情所蒙蔽的感觉,记得我第一次恋爱时,看到的所有事物都和其他人不同,爱情完全改

  • 莎翁经典搞笑改编 三维动画大作《吉诺朱丽叶

    片名:Gnomeo and Juliet 译名:吉诺密欧与朱丽叶 导演:凯利·阿斯博瑞 主演:艾米莉·布朗特 詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 迈克尔·凯恩 类型:爱情片 / 动画片 / 家庭片 / 奇幻片 上映日期:2011年 英国 国家/地区:英国 / 美国 对白语言:英语 发行公司:E1 Entertainment 剧情简介: 与之前的“罗密欧与朱丽叶”电影不同,这次的动画版将把主角设定为花园中的矮人精灵,将是一部十分搞笑的3维动画大作。 A version of Shakespeare's play, set in the world of warring indoor and outdoor gnomes. 【小编短评】本片由《怪物史莱克2》的导演执导,《赎罪》的男主角詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊和参演《穿普拉达的女王》的艾米莉·布朗特为本片男女主角配音。音乐由歌坛老将埃尔顿·约翰和詹姆斯·纽顿·霍华德联手负责!哇~灰常期待~~

  • Leonardo的荧幕经典系列之二 罗密欧与朱丽叶

    不再属于凯普莱特家族。[/cn] [en]Romeo: Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?[/en][cn]罗密欧:我还要听到更多这样的话吗,或者我该说话了?[/cn] [en]Juliet: 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy, thou art thyself though not a Montague. What is Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. Oh, what's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet; so Romeo would, were he not Romeo called, retain that dear perfection to which he owes without that title. Romeo, doff thy name! And for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself.[/en][cn]朱丽叶:除了你的姓氏,这是我的敌人,尽管你的美妙不是来自蒙塔奇。什么是蒙塔奇?那不是手,不是脚,不是脸,不是一个男人的任何一部分。哦,在姓氏中有什么。我们不管用什么名字称呼玫瑰花它都照样芬芳,那么,罗密欧也是,他不是因为罗密欧这个名字保有他珍贵的美好。罗密欧,放弃你的名字,因为你的名字不是你的任何一部人,不占有你。[/cn]

  • 艾德•维斯特维克携《罗密欧与朱丽叶》出席戛纳电影节

    Douglas Booth and Ed Westwick suit up for a [w]presentation[/w] of their film Romeo & Juliet at the [w]Majestic[/w] Terrasse during the 2012 Cannes Film Festival on Saturday (May 19) in Cannes, France. (艾德·维斯特维克) Earlier in the day, Ed, 24, arrived at the airport in Nice to get ready for the festival. (剧组) In case you missed it, check out some first look pics of Douglas, Ed, and Hailee Steinfeld as Juliet in the film. Italian filmmaker Carlo Carlei's [w]adaptation[/w] of William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." Hailee Steinfeld will play Juliet and Holly Hunter is starring as the Nurse, who [w]effectively[/w] raised Juliet and serves as a go-between for her and Romeo. (艾德·维斯特维克在影片中的扮相) Ed was recently nominated for a 2012 Teen Choice Award for TV Actor in a Drama for his work on Gossip Girl. Make sure to vote for him! (电影节现场) 沪江娱乐快讯:从《绯闻女孩》中走出来的万人迷艾德·维斯特维克(Ed Westwick)于法国当地时间5月19日出席戛纳电影节为新作《罗密欧与朱丽叶》做宣传。据悉,这部新版的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》由获得奥斯卡最佳外语片提名的意大利导演Carlo Carlei翻拍。不过艾德·维斯特维克在片中的角色并非男一号罗密欧,而是朱丽叶的堂兄、罗密欧的对头——Tybalt,与他搭档的将是去年颁奖季的热门影片《大地惊雷》中的萝莉海莉·斯坦菲尔德。另外,这位24岁的男演员近日入围了2012年青少年选择奖最受欢迎电视男演员奖,记得支持他哦!

  • 《给朱丽叶的信》笔记:Sophie Hall

    排好的一场戏。  -You are the translator from the employment office? -No, no, I mean... -I have been waiting for 2 weeks. -i’m sorry. My name is Sophie. I just... I followed you, and I saw that you put the letters into a basket, and I just wondered why. -You are a writer? -Yeah, I am a writer. -Come, I show you. They come from all over the world every day. -But taking their letters? Is that not like taking pennies from a wishing well? -How else can we give them answers? -Oh, my god. So, you write all of them back. -Yes. -You’re all Juliet? -Her [w=secretary]secretaries[/w]. Sophie和未婚夫Victor一起去意大利维罗纳度假,在那里Sophie发现了朱丽叶的许愿墙,于是认识了朱丽叶的秘书,也就是给世界各地前来观光许愿的人回信,这里的每一名工作者都以朱丽叶的身份亲朱丽叶自给写信人回信解决他们生活中的问题,这样温暖的做法深深感动了Sophie,于是她愿意加入这支队伍,去更加深入的了解并且想将其写成一篇报道,圆她的作家梦。在这个了解的过程当中又发生了什么事情呢?请听小编下回分解。

  • 看《变形金刚4》学口语:罗密欧与朱丽叶法案

    可是在德州。然后,又问起了他的职业,是职业司机吗?泰莎说,起码他以这个为生。Make  a  living的意思是指赚钱谋生,以此养家活口。 3.      Pick  up 肖恩自我介绍说,我是一个赛车手,再加上一个导航员,泰莎。还说道这是一个合法的职业,他被红牛队相中,他全部的积蓄都压到那辆车上。Pick  up的意思是捡起来,搭载某人,在这是指被挑选,被选中红牛队。 声明:本内容为沪江英语原创,严禁转载。

  • 【纯爱电影回顾】《给朱丽叶的信》:五十年寻爱之旅

    上前解释,两人终于互坦爱意,有情人终成眷属。影片最后,Charlie搞笑的跌下了阳台,躺在草坪上对Sophie献上浪漫一吻。[/cn] 英文预告: 经典台词: [en]I don't know true love had an [w]expiration[/w] date.[/en][cn]我不知道真爱还有过期的时候。[/cn] [en] Dear Claire, "What" and "if" are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together, side by side, and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life. What if……I don't know how your story ended, but if what you felt then was true love, then it's never too late. If it was true then, why wouldn't it be ture now? You need only the courage to follow your heart. I don't know what a love like Juliet's feels like, a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for, bur I'd like to believe, if I ever were to feel it, that I'd have the courage to seize it. And Claire, if you didn't, I hope one day that you will. All my love, Juliet [/en][cn] 亲爱的克莱尔: “怎样”和“如果”是两个毫无伤害性的词语,但是如果放在一起,同时出现,就会产生困扰你一生的力量。假如那又怎么样?我不知道你故事的结局,但如果你时候依然有

  • 3D立体动画《丛林有情狼》 狼版罗密欧与朱丽叶

    片名:Alpha and Omega 译名:丛林有情狼 / 阿尔法与