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  • 领导力思维模式:乔布斯与沃兹尼亚克

    出了重大贡献,却一直鲜为人知。例如,“红色大地”(Red Earth)型(右脑具体思维模式)的天才们开创了各种新奇的产品风格和设计。他们的许多创意为今天的产品设定了标准。 乔布斯个性生硬粗暴,部分原因可能是他由于无法获得他人的理解而备感沮丧。他的同事们大概很难跟上他的思维。在他看来再明显不过的创意和结论,也许同他们的思维模式却不甚合拍。就像许多红天型思想者一样,乔布斯感到自己就像是一个身处异地的外乡人。如果你聪明过人,思维敏捷到来不及用语言来表达,那么当别人无法体会你的用意时,你心中自然会无比气馁。 所有这些都未能抹杀乔布斯的贡献。然而,历史自然有本事将复杂的故事删繁就简。历史学家和记者一样,往往不喜欢让故事里出现太多的主角。他们会选出一个杰出人物,将他的形象塑造得光彩照人,至于其他人的贡献,简简单单一笔带过就行了。

  • 贞子出没:英国咖啡馆监视器拍到透明鬼魂

    改过。”[/cn] [en]A spokesman for Paranormal Investigation Scotland said: “This is the most convincing image we have seen in almost a decade, so we were keen to start looking into it.”[/en][cn]苏格兰超自然现象调查中心的发言人表示:“这是10年以来我们见到过的最有说服力的图片,我们有要研究它的强烈愿望。”[/cn] [en]The experts

  • 芭的英文怎么说

    相仿。 After a bustle of mysterious preparations by Hepzibah, clifford returned to his house 经过赫普兹芭一番秘密活动,克利弗德回到了住宅。 Bartova prepares for jump,rubs hands in chalk and takes jump off. 芭尔托娃准备起跳,她用滑石粉擦手然后起跳。 Harper's BAZAAR is the first fashion magazine in USA with a successful history of 138 years. 《时尚芭莎

  • 小康的英文怎么说

    当地 To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare him to? 你们究竟将谁比神,用什么形像与神比较呢? This view is beyond compare. 这景色无与伦比。 The achievements of an athlete and a writer are not comparable. 运动员的成就与作家的成就不能相提并论。 good是什么意思: adj. 好的;令人满意的;愉快的;仁慈的 n. 好处;利益;有

  • 小学英语阅读材料—大红狗,生日快乐(下)(双语有声)

    Clifford a card. He can get a free [w]haircut[/w] with it.[/en][cn]该吃冰激凌的时候Cynthia和她的狗狗Basker来了。他们给Clifford

  • 小学英语阅读材料—大红狗和丢失的沙滩球(下)(双语有声)

    [en](1) The three friends begin to look for T-bone’s beach ball. T-bone looks under some [w=seashell]seashells[/w]. He finds a [w]crab[/w].[/en][cn]三个朋友开始找T-bone的沙滩球。T-bone在贝壳下面找。他找到一只螃蟹。[/cn] [en](2) Cleo looks around some rocks. She finds a [w]starfish[/w].[/en][cn]Cleo在岩石周围找。她找到一只海星。[/cn] [en](3) Clifford [w=decide]decides[/w] to take a look underwater. He sees a lot of sea animals, but he doesn’t see T-bone’s beach ball.[/en][cn]Clifford决定到水下去找找。他看到很多海洋动物,但却没有发现T-bone的沙滩球。[/cn] [en](4) T-bone is very sad. Suddenly, Clifford sees something in the water. “Look!” says Clifford. “It’s my beach ball!” says T-bone.[/en][cn]T-bone很难过。突然,Clifford在水里发现了什么。“快看!”Clifford喊道。“是我的沙滩球!”T-bone说。[/cn] [en](5) With Cleo and T-bone on his back, Clifford swims toward the beach ball.[/en][cn]Clifford背着Cleo和T-bone,朝着沙滩球游去。[/cn] [en](6) Some [w=dolphin]dolphins[/w] are playing with it! “Wow!” says Clifford. “They are having lots of fun with your beach ball.”[/en][cn]许多海豚正在玩那个球!“哇!”Clifford喊道。“他们玩得很开心。”[/cn] [en](7) “Is this your ball? ” asks one of the dolphins. “Yes, it is,” says T-bone. “If you like it, I’ll give it to you as a present.” All the dolphins say, “Thank you!”[/en][cn]“这是你的球吗?”一只海豚问。“是的” T-bone回答。“如果你们希望,我可以作为礼物送给你们。”所有的海豚说,“谢谢你!”[/cn]

  • 历史上的今天: 0925 维达号惊世宝藏重见天日

    【视听版TIH小组荣誉出品】 想提高英语听力水平? 同时又想了解世界历史? Today In History —— 一次满足您的两个愿望! This Day In History —— 经典历史新闻,回顾尘封史实 This Day in History - September 25th,1987 Starring - Barry Clifford From the Caribbean to the New England Coast, Black Sam Bellamy's pirate ship Whydah [-----1-----] at least 52 ships before

  • 人工智能也有性别:Siri为啥是女的?(双语)

    母亲的声音做出反应,而不会对其他女性或者其父亲的声音做出反应。[/cn] [en]Is there another possible reason for all of the female computer voices?[/en][cn]还有其他的原因来说明为什么人工智能都用女声吗?[/cn] [en]Our history, says CNN's Brandon Griggs. "According to some sources, the use of female voices in [w]navigation[/w] devices dates back to World War II, when women's voices were employed in airplane [w=cockpit]cockpits[/w] because they [w=stand out]stood out[/w] among the male pilots. And telephone operators have traditionally been female, making people [w=accustom]accustomed[/w] to getting assistance from a [w]disembodied[/w] woman's voice."[/en][cn]CNN的布兰登·格里格斯说,“这与历史有关。根据资料显示,最早在二战的时候。飞机驾驶舱中的导航设备使用的就是女声,因为在男性飞行员中,女声更能被辨识出来。而且,传统上来说,电话接线员都是女性,这就让人们习惯于从没有实体的女性声音那里来获得帮助。”[/cn]

  • 【名校采风】芝加哥大学——法学院

    :     Professor, Classics and the Law School and Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Ancient Religious Humanities 1115 E. 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637 773-834-6708 cando@ Clifford Ando Clifford Ando came to Chicago from USC, where he was Professor of Classics, History and Law and co-director