奥普拉脱口秀25年来与人们共欢笑,共泪水。然而,结束的这一天到来,奥普拉亲自宣布这一消息,几度含泪哽咽。 After much prayer and months of careful thought, I have decided that next season, Season 25, will be the last season of The Oprah Winfrey Show. Over the next couple of days, you may hear a lot of speculation in the press about why I am making
《奥普拉•温弗瑞脱口秀》录制完最后一期 粉丝依依不舍
(奥普拉·温弗瑞宣布《奥普拉温弗瑞脱口秀》将会在2011年停播) [en]On Wednesday, after 25 years of [w]priceless[/w] moments, "The Oprah Winfrey" show will come to an end and [w=legion]legions[/w] of loyal viewers are in a state of sad disbelief.[/en][cn]本周三(北京时间本周四)在播出了25年之后《奥普拉·温弗瑞脱口秀》将会走到终点,大批忠实的观众们都觉得这个事实难以令人相信。[/cn] [en]"I've been watching Oprah for the last 25 years of my 50 years of life. And I'm going to miss her dearly," one fan said. [/en][cn]我今年50岁,我看了25年奥普拉·温弗瑞主持的这个节目。(这个节目停播后)我肯定会很思念她,”一位观众说。[/cn] [en]Dr. Ned Hallowell, a [w]psychiatrist[/w], said those feelings of sadness and loss are real.[/en][cn]精神病医生Ned Hallowell说这种悲伤的感觉是很真实的。[/cn] [en]People have been in love with her and with the show…“It's a loss. People are going to have to [w]grieve[/w],” he said. [/en][cn]观众们都很爱她也很爱她主持的脱口秀...“这是我们的损失。大家肯定都很悲伤,”他说。[/cn] [en]The Rhode Island woman told "Good Morning America" [w]anchor[/w] Lara Spencer that she's not sure what she'll do with her afternoons without the show. [/en][cn]美国罗德岛洲的一位女观众对《早安美国》主持人Lara Spencer说,如果没有《奥普拉·温弗瑞脱口秀》看的话,那她都不知道下午该干什么了。[/cn] [en]So what's an "Oprah" fan to do when the curtain falls for good on Wednesday?[/en][cn]那么当本周三节目真正走到终点时“奥普拉”脱口秀的粉丝们该何去何从?[/cn] [en]Dr. Hallowell had some advice.[/en][cn]Hallowell医生给出了建议。[/cn] [en]"You remind yourself of what she's done for you: she's given you a gift for 25 years. And that gift won't disappear…and that's the way she'd want you to think of it."[/en][cn]“你可以回想这25年来奥普拉给你带奥普拉·温弗瑞宣布《奥普拉温弗瑞脱口秀来了什么。她给你带来的东西永远不会消失...奥普拉本人也会希望你能这样面对这档节目的结束。”[/cn]
Is Oprah The Queen Of All Media? MICHELE NORRIS, host: The queen of all media is walking away from her biggest media platform. On Wednesday, Oprah Winfrey is ending her [w=syndicate]syndicated[/w] daytime talk show after 25 years. Mr. TOM HANKS (Actor): Oprah Winfrey, today, you are surrounded by nothing but love. NORRIS: That was Tom Hanks there, and she had Tom Hanks as emcee(主持人) for a couple of her farewell shows(告别秀). Those shows became a parade of stars, from Beyonce to Diane Sawyer to Madonna, all in front of a stadium full of thousands of loyal Oprah viewers. Ms. OPRAH WINFREY: You have made it possible for us to stand for 25 years. Your presence in front of your television sets and your presence here tonight honors me in the deepest way possible. And I feel the love. Thank you. NORRIS: Joining us now to [w]figure out[/w] what this means for Oprah and for television and for Oprah fans is Eric Deggans. He's the TV and media critic for the St. Petersburg Times. Eric, welcome back to the program. Ms. ERIC DEGGANS (TV and Media Critic, St. Petersburg Times): Thank you for having me. NORRIS: You know, we all remember some of her big pop culture moments - Tom cruise jumping up and down on the stage, for instance. But there were other things that she did that really set the show apart, things like taking the show to Forsyth County, Georgia, to have a conversation about race or taking the show on the road to [w]highlight[/w] things that she thought America needed to talk about. Mr. DEGGANS: What I think was [w]singular[/w] about what she did was, before Oprah, the voice for women in daytime television was often controlled by men. The highest rated daytime talk host of the time was Phil Donahue. And I loved his show, and I love what he did, but he was a guy speaking to women. And Oprah came along and was a woman articulating(articulate,明确、有力地
张靓颖亮相奥普拉脱口秀 与苏姗大妈比高下
秀明星的代表,张靓颖与红得发紫的苏珊大妈同台参加了美国最著名的娱乐节目《奥普拉脱口秀看了节目的关注度以及选手在网络上各种视频的权威点击数。" 节目中,奥普拉邀请达人们各自表演一首自己的成名作。冯柯介绍,唯独靓颖被事先允许演唱两首歌。一首是张艺谋执导、喜多郎作曲的《印象西湖》主题曲,另一首是新专辑中的爵士风歌曲《我的音乐让我说》。她的表演令西蒙和奥普拉都非常惊讶,前者表示要持续关注这位中国姑娘,后者则给了张靓颖两个大大的拥抱。节目结束后,张靓颖还被制作人邀请再次返台演绎她的海豚音成名曲《Loving you》。 沪江专访God is a Girl——“舞动精灵”
2009-05-12选秀 流行 张靓颖奥普拉脱口秀视频 频道精选 西蒙考威尔 Simon Cowell Oprah Winfrey Susan Boyle 苏姗大妈
已经厌烦了不断的不实传言。[/cn] [en]"I'm not a [wv]lesbian[/wv]...I'm not even kind of a lesbian," Winfrey says. "And the reason it [w]irritates[/w] me is because it means that somebody must think I'm lying ... Why would you want to hide it? That's not the way I run my life." [/en][cn]“我不是同性恋...完全不是,”温弗瑞说。“这种不实传言会激怒我是因为有些人会听信这种传言而以为我在撒谎...我为什么要遮遮掩掩的?这不是我的作风。”[/cn] [en]Winfrey, who has been dating Stedman Graham for 25 years, gets emotional when she tries to explain her deep [wv]connection[/wv] with King. [/en][cn]温弗瑞和斯特德曼·格雷厄姆的恋爱关系已经保持了25年了,当她谈到她和金恩的深厚友情时忍不住情绪激动起来。[/cn] [en]"She is the mother I never had," Winfrey tearfully says. "She is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves." [/en] [cn]“她是我从未拥有过的母亲,”温弗瑞眼含热泪地说。“她是每个人都奥普拉想要的好姐妹。她也是每个人都应有的好朋友。”[/cn]
[en]In the interview on ' Piers Morgan Tonight', which aired Monday night, talk show [w]queen[/w] Oprah Winfrey revealed she [w]contemplated[/w] [wv]suicide[/wv] at age 14 when she discovered she was [wv]pregnant[/wv]. [/en][cn]在将在周一播出的“今夜皮尔·斯摩根”采访里,脱口秀女王奥普拉·温弗瑞透露14岁的她发现自己怀孕后曾经打算自杀。[/cn] [en]Winfrey [w]recalled[/w] how her mother sent her to live with her father in Nashville, and he didn't know she was pregnant, "My father ... said to me as I'm standing in the kitchen listening to him, 'These are the rules of the house, you're going to obey the rules, you have a 10 o'clock [wv]curfew[/wv], and I would rather see a daughter of mine floating down the Cumberland River ... than to bring shame on this family and the indecency of an [w]illegitimate[/w] child.'" [/en][cn]温弗瑞回忆起母亲怎样把自己送到纳什维尔和父亲生活,而父亲并不知道她当时怀孕了,“我站在厨房里听我爸爸跟我说,‘这些是这间房子里的规矩,你必须遵守,10点是你的宵禁时间...我宁愿看着我的女儿被坎伯兰河冲走,也不要看到你给这个家抹黑或者是做出生下个私生子之类的龌龊事。’”[/cn] [en]She continued, "But this is my 14-year-old self. You're having a baby out of [wv]wedlock[/wv], your life is over. So when the baby died -- the baby was never brought home from the hospital -- when the baby died, I knew that it was my second chance." [/en][cn]她继续说,“但是这是14岁的我。你有一个非婚生子的话,你的生活就算是完了。所以当那个孩子死掉的时候——这个孩子从未被抱出过医院——当孩子死掉的时候,我知道这
敢问”无人能敌的采访风格风靡全球,让一个个来宾们惧怕无比,近日,奥普拉允许记者进入她位于芝加哥的屋子,拍摄到她妆容下最真实的一面,洗澡和做饭中的奥普拉,其素颜模样让观众大呼过瘾。[/cn] [en]The star explained she decided to let the cameras go in behind the scenes forthe first time to mark the 25th - and last - season of her [w]chat[/w] show, which starts on1 January on her own new television station, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN).[/en][cn]据悉,这些“千载难逢”奥普拉倾情奉献的“处女纪录片”是她决定结束25年的脱口秀节目《奥普拉访谈》,并自立门户变身传媒女王成立“温芙瑞电视网”进而送给观众的礼物。[/cn] [en]Oprah adds: 'Documentary film crews will [w]capture[/w] the real life drama of ending a show that's really been our lives.' It shows her first thing in the morning being chauffeured away from her home in Chicago to a nearby park to go running with her [w]spaniel[/w] Sadie.[/en][cn]奥普拉接受采访时说:“我觉得以拍摄我私人的真实生活作为结束,是最有纪念意义的表达方式,因为任何节目都来源于生活。”在纪录片中,奥普拉一身休闲装,全素颜、佩戴一副黑框眼镜,丝毫没有一点脱口秀女王的架势。[/cn]
[en]Oprah Winfrey might not perform thrilling stunts but it turns out that she needs a body double on occasion.[/en][cn]奥普拉或许不会再出现在舞台上,但是她仍旧需要一个替身在各种场合上。[/cn] [en]Hawaii local Shaka was the 59-year-old's stand-in for April's O Magazine cover shoot.[/en][cn]夏威夷:59岁的Shaka是奥普拉4月份杂志的封面照的替身。[/cn] [en]'Every photo shoot that happens, happens with a huge team, and I have a stand-in for every single set,' Oprah explained in a behind-the-scenes video, before greeting Shaka with a friendly 'Aloha'.[/en][cn]在幕后奥普拉解释“替身”Shaka时说道:“每次拍摄照片都有一个很大的团队,每次拍摄我都是一个人。”[/cn] [en]The twosome found out that they had more in common than just looks as they became friends and bonded over their matching [w=outfit]outfits[/w]. [/en][cn]她们都发现她们自己有许多共同之处,不仅仅是看上去像一对好朋友和一样的打扮。[/cn] [en]It is due to be released later this year.[/en][cn]这期杂志将在近期上市。[/cn]
谁是Operah? 她是美国的脱口秀女王 她是第一位登上“福布斯”杂志亿万富翁排行榜的黑人妇女 《名利场》杂志评价她:“可以说在大众文化中,奥普拉.温弗莉的影响力,可能除了教皇以外,比任何大学教授、政治家或者宗教领袖都多。” Operah Winfrey After The Show 点击进入下载页面 1. 听写以下空缺的两段文字。 2. 翻译一段文字(用紫色标出)。 3. 指正文本中的错误之处。 Yeah, I was just saying I think it's more difficult raising children when you have everything like
年时曾经不幸受到一些亲戚邻居的性虐待。贫穷和不幸遭遇并没有消灭她对知识的渴望和对生活的信心。后来她利用参加选美赢来的奖金进入大学学习,并且凭借自己的天赋和不懈努力进入了广播媒体领域。1986年,她创办了《欧普拉。温弗瑞脱口秀》节目,很快受到观众的欢迎,成为美国脱口秀的领军节目。她的节目内容主要关注个人问题,寻找办法激励,帮助人们拯救自我,她的目标是让电视改变人们的生活,给每普拉是美国的脱口秀主持人。从采访记者到政客等诸多人士无不在争相效仿她的风格,但却没人能够企及她的声望与收入。她所主持的《欧普拉一个人,每一个家庭带去快乐和成就感。 Even in a culture in which sex toys are a booming business and Oprah Winfrey discusses living your best life