• 惊喜!英国少女收到海豚送的礼物

  • 去英国人家做客应该送什么礼物?

    给你外国朋友什么礼物了吧?去人家做客空手去的确不好,在送礼上的花点心思会让主人很开心。但是礼物的选择一定不会只限于我上面所说的三种,如果是很好的朋友,那送什么应该都不会太介意,就算不送也不会抱怨,如果是年长关系不是很熟的,除了我说的三样还可以送咱们中国的特产(吃的就尽量不要带了怕老外吃不惯),比如工艺品,老外很喜欢外国的礼物,很便宜的一个中国结可能都让他们很开心哦! 最后,我想再提一个,带着礼物去人家做客,不要指望主人马上打开你的葡萄酒或者巧克力,在英礼物,要带什么礼物国是没有这个习惯的。一般去人家吃饭,吃的和喝的都是提前准备好的,不会一上来就打开客人带来的酒(除非喝完了),所以,如果你的外国朋友拿到你的礼物说完“Thank you so much”以后就把礼物放旁边了,不要觉得他们是不喜欢哦! 以上就是去英国人家做客应该送什么礼物?今后希望能有更大家分享更多英国的文化礼仪!

  • 父亲节要来啦:如何选礼物彻底收买爸爸

    别的照片。[/cn] [en]To keep Dad looking handsome and dashing, present him with a new electric shaver. Let him indulge without the [w]hassle[/w] of having to use shaving cream.[/en][cn]为了让父亲看起来更帅更时髦,送

  • 英闻天天译: 母亲节礼物

    《英闻天天译》是一档沪江部落的原创翻译互动节目(戳去参与节目>>>),主持人提供翻译参考文本,对大家递交的翻译作品进行点评,和大家共同进步!本期节目选取的是关于经济影响文学的一则英文报道,让我们一起在翻译中关注。 SUMMARY: 母亲节礼物   CONTENT: Last year, Mother’s Day spending on [w]brunch[/w]es, jewelry, salon appointments, flowers and greeting cards topped $20 billion, according to the National Retail Federation. And no doubt retailers hope to meet that amount this year too. Brands like American Greetings and Kay Jewelers, a Mother’s Day advertising regular, portray the holiday, and therefore motherhood, as an event for young women doted on by attentive husbands and young children[took out the video ref since that wasn’t an example of mothers being doted on]. But for many, both the holiday and the reality are as much about being a mother as they are about having, and caring for, their own mothers. And mothers taking care of mothers need more than [w]mimosa[/w]s and [w]manicure[/w]s to cope with life in the sandwich generation.   【沪江英语小编】大家在查看主持人提供的翻译版本前,可以先自己进行尝试翻译练习,只有在不断的翻译中翻译能力才能有所提升哦! 轻松注册沪江,马上参与【英闻天天译】节目练翻译→ 本期节目参考译文:(参考译文由该节目主持人提供,仅供参考,欢迎大家讨论) 参考译文1: 据美国国家零售联合会的数据显示,去年母亲节人们花费于早午餐、珠宝、沙龙聚会、鲜花和贺卡的金额突破200亿美元。毫无疑问,零售商们今年也希望能达到这个数额。“美国问候”以及“凯伊珠宝”(母亲节广告常客)都为这一节日增添了不少氛围,因此,母亲节是一个细心丈夫和孩子宠爱年轻妇女的节日(别受视频影响,那并不是一个妈妈受宠爱的例子)。然而对于很多人来说,无论是在节日还是平时,她们既是母亲,又拥有她们所关心的母亲。而需要照顾自己的母亲的妈妈们需要的不只是含羞草和美甲来应付“三明治世代”的生活。 参考译文2: 国家零售联合会的数据显示,去年母亲节,在美食、珠宝、聚会展会、鲜花和贺卡上的花费突破200亿美元。毫无疑问,零售商今年还想达到这个数。“美国问候”与母亲节广告的常客“凯伊珠宝”等品牌使这一节日充满气氛。因此,母亲节是年轻妇女们受到细心的丈夫和小孩宠爱的一个节日(不要受视频影响,因为那不是一个母亲们受宠爱的例子)。然而对于很多人来说,无论在假日还是在现实中,她们既是母亲,也是女儿,也在照顾自己的母亲。而作为上有老下有小的一代人,母亲对母亲的照顾需要的不仅仅是鲜花与美甲。 想要得到主持人专业的点评和意见吗?快来节目现场一试身手吧>>

  • 最佳情人节礼物:早晨的一个吻别


  • 最惊喜:爸爸把自己打包变生日礼物送女儿

    [en]A three-year-old got the birthday present of a lifetime when she opened up a box containing her military dad, back home from Afghanistan.[/en][cn]一个3岁的小女孩得到了一件终身难忘的生日礼物,当她打开礼物盒的时候,刚从阿富汗回来的美国大兵爸爸出现了。[/cn] [en]In a YouTube video posted by father Joshua Carr, his little girl Bridget is seen ripping the wrapping paper off an [w]enormous[/w] box, with her mother in the background encouraging her to open it.[/en][cn]这位美国大兵爸爸约书亚·卡尔在YouTube上发布了一条视频,视频中,他的小女儿布丽奇特撕开巨大礼物盒的包装纸,妈妈在一旁给她加油。[/cn] [en]When she finally opens the flaps, her father pops out, and Bridget can't hide her excitement as she screams, laughs and jumps into his arms.[/en][cn]当她最后打开盒盖的时候,爸爸跳了出来。布丽奇特一看到爸爸就又叫又笑跳入他怀中,激动之情无以言表。[/cn] [en]In the beginning of the video, Bridget struggles to get all the wrapping paper off of the box, which is bigger than her.[/en][cn]在视频的开头,布丽奇特吃力地把盒子的包装纸拆开,那个盒子比她的个头都大。[/cn] [en]As her mother videotapes, the toddler [w]painstakingly[/w] takes off every bit of paper, [w]ultimately[/w] uncovering a box with a picture of a mini refrigerator on it.[/en][cn]小女孩费力地撕开礼物盒的每一片包装纸,最终露出了纸盒上迷你冰箱的图片,同时小女孩的妈妈在一旁拍摄视频。[/cn] [en]When she finally has the present unwrapped, her mother breathes a sigh of relief and says: 'OK, now open up the flaps.'[/en][cn]当她终于撕开礼物盒的包装时,妈妈松了口气并告诉她:“好啦,现在打开盒盖。”[/cn] [en]Bridget does so, and her father pops out with his hands in the air. 'Happy birthday!' he says, much to the delight of the little girl, who puts her hands over her face in surprise.[/en][cn]布丽奇特照妈妈说的做了,然后就看到了张开双臂的爸爸:“生日快乐!”小女孩高兴极了,惊喜地双手捂脸。[/cn] [en]Bridget runs to her dad, who lifts her into his arms as she [w=squeal]squeals[/w] and [w=giggle]giggles[/w].[/en][cn]布丽奇特跑到爸爸面前,在爸爸的怀里一边尖叫、一边咯咯笑。[/cn] [en]The little girl's mother can be heard crying with joy in the background as Bridget [w=cling]clings[/w] onto her father, smiling uncontrollably.[/en][cn]视频中可以听到,当小女孩黏住爸爸、甜甜微笑无法自已的时候,妈妈也在一旁喜悦地欢笑。[/cn] [en]At the end, the father-daughter pair share a kiss, overjoyed to be reunited.[/en][cn]视频结尾的时候,爸爸怜爱地亲了一下小女儿,父女团聚幸福洋溢。[/cn] [en]The video, which bears the description: '#1 Perk of returning from Afghanistan around your 3 year old's birthday,' has had nearly 140,000 views since it was posted in September.[/en][cn]这一视频的描述如下:“阿富汗归来,带给你3岁生日的惊喜礼物”。自从9月发布后,此视频点击量近14万。[/cn]

  • 凯特王妃送女王什么圣诞礼物?竟是自制酸辣酱!

    顾着每礼物一个人。”[/cn] [en]Meghan Markle should probably keep this in mind, given that her first Christmas with the Queen is right around the corner[/en].[cn]梅根·马克尔可能应该把这个记在心里,这样才能在即将到来的圣诞节上给女王送好第一个圣诞节礼物。[/cn] (翻译:跳中国舞的小仙女)

  • 美国幸运网友:收到比尔•盖茨的圣诞礼物

    给我的圣诞卡片。顺便说,那个时候我还没有明白过来,这就是比尔·盖茨本人。”[/cn] [en]That was until she noticed the photo of Gates in front of a Christmas tree with the book, cow, and note.[/en][cn]后来她发现了一张照片,照片中比尔·盖茨手持着送给瑞秋的游记、玩具奶牛和卡片,这时她才明白比尔就是比尔·盖茨本人。[/cn] [en]" ... and then it finally hit me.  I went back to all the gifts completely shocked."[/en][cn]“这时我才恍然大悟。我又回头看那些礼物,震惊不已。”[/cn] [en]Rachel realized she had committed something of a faux par on her Christmas list that was sent to the Microsoft [w]billionaire[/w].[/en][cn]瑞秋发现自己在那份送给微软大亨比尔·盖茨的圣诞愿望清单上犯了一个小小的错误。[/cn] [en]"ps: Sorry for the Apple iPad on my wishlist, that was really awkward," she wrote.[/en][cn]“顺便说,抱歉我在愿望清单上写了‘一部苹果iPad平板电脑’,真是很尴尬。”[/cn] [en]Rachel said the gift given from Gates was "the gift perfect for anyone" and said she was "sincerely very appreciative that you took the time to find something so fitting for me."[/en][cn]瑞秋说盖茨送给她的礼物“对任何人来说都是非常完美的礼物”,并说“对盖茨费心找到如此好的礼物,她表示真诚的谢意。”[/cn]

  • 视频听写:神秘的生日礼物

    一堆生日礼物没让小女孩兴奋,谁知最后一个礼物却让小女孩大哭不止,这到底是什么礼物?这样的快乐,孩子能记住一辈子,也将影响他一辈子!参与方式:每空填一句,注意标点。 Hey Lowy. What? Do you want to open your birthday present early? Yeah. You do? Ok, Go and sit on the couch. Is your birthday coming? Ok. OK. So just open that backpack. OK. Heavy. Just clothes? No. Just open it. Just

  • 剧透:武媚娘怎样和皇上要圣诞礼物

    礼物人人喜欢。但为别人挑礼物,或者暗示别人你想要什么礼物看看武媚娘是怎么和皇上要礼物的吧。[/cn] 武媚娘:“圣诞节快到了,要怎么委婉地和皇上要礼物呢?” 李治:“媚娘喜欢什么礼物呢,又不好直接问她,这让朕如何是好。。。” 武媚娘:“咦,有了!发个朋友圈先!” 接着,媚娘打开自己的微信发了一条朋友圈消息: 看来媚娘真是技高一筹,如果皇上送了她礼物自是极好的 如果皇上没送她、也可以当做皇上没看到自己的朋友圈、完全不失面子! 你知道媚娘是用什么神器许愿要礼物的吗? 手机戳我进入圣诞许愿神器>>> 或扫描二维码进入↓↓↓