音频在线播放: >>点击下载音频 你是否曾收到不合心意的礼物?亦礼物?亦或是曾寄送过?对于如何挑选礼物你是不是感到很伤脑筋?Chicago Tribune 的专栏作家将与我们一起分享此方面的小窍门. NEAL CONAN, host: As the saying goes, it's better to give than receive. But choosing the right gift is sometimes easier said than done. You might think grandma really wants
也许会给你们双方都带来节日喜悦。[/cn] [en]3. Give handmade goods or hand-me-downs[/en][cn]3. 赠予手工品或传家宝[/cn] [en]New and store-bought is not always best. A study published in March 2015 in the Journal of Marketing found that people prefer buying homemade items for loved ones and were even willing to pay as much as 17 percent more for homemade things versus mass-produced items. The findings suggest that people feel that homemade items show more love, and love is what they want to express to the gift recipient.[/en][cn]在超市新买的礼物并不总是最好的。2015年3月在《营销杂志》上刊载的一则调查发现,人们更喜欢给喜爱的人购买手工品。并且对比于大批量生产的物品,他们甚至愿意多花17%的价格来买
到了花瓶和5千克的糖。我那时候才9岁。”[/cn] [en]However inappropriate a gift is it is better than no present at all as TupacSchwartzODoyle learned.[/en][cn]不过,就像用户TupacSchwartzODoyle说的那样,不合适的礼物也好过没有礼物。[/cn] [en]He said: 'My now ex wife gave me nothing on my birthday. No gift, no card, nothing. Same week, we're at the store, she gets a card for a co-worker, a guy. We separated less than a year later.'[/en][cn]他说:“我以前过生日的时候,我的前妻一点儿表示都没有。没有礼物,没有贺卡,什么都没有。就在同一个周里,我们去商店的时候,她还为同事买了一张贺卡,一个男同事。之后我们就分居了不到一年的时间。”[/cn] 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
测时使用。 例句: - Enjoy your trip and don’t be so pessimistic, everything’s going to be great! - Wanna bet? = I don’t agree, I think things won’t be great. ⑧‘TIS= It is.通常It is的缩写是it’s,但是有时你会听到英式英语说’tis。这种缩写在旧式英语中很常见,如今在诗歌和很多英国方言里还能听到。比如’tis but=It’s only ⑨Chocolate buttons:巧克力小
到过一盒泥土,虽然我不知道这是什么鬼,不过那时我也习惯了这些稀奇古怪的礼物了。不管怎样,泥土上有几个水仙花球茎,还不错啦。[/cn] 获得9好评的答案@Sandeep Sasidharan [en]An edited father's day card from my friend![/en][cn]我从我朋友那里得礼物到过一张修改过的父亲节卡片![/cn]
最不喜欢的圣诞礼物:Lady Gaga唱片
不太感兴趣。[/cn] [en]Those who found Topshop dresses and Topman t-shirts under the tree were quick to pass them on, with each traded 36,432 and 36,256 times respectively.[/en][cn]在圣诞礼物中礼物发现Topshop衣服和TopmanT恤的人也都很快将礼物出手,数量分别达到36432件和36256件。[/cn] [en]Liam Howley, the site's marketing manager, said: 'The period between Christmas and New Year is always one of our busiest times of year, as people don’t want to [w]hang onto[/w] presents they have no use for and look for ways to make money to help with January finances.[/en][cn]礼物交易网站的市场经理Liam Howley表示,“每年圣诞和新年期间都是我们一年最忙碌的时候,因为很多人都不希望留着那些对自己没有用的礼物,而是希望把这些礼物换成钱来缓解一月份的收支问题。”[/cn] [en]'We know some people put unwanted gifts aside to re-use next Christmas, but a lot of [w]savvy[/w] customers take advantage of the unwanted items in the home which they don’t use. We’re here to help them de-clutter and make cash.'[/en][cn]“我们知道有些人会把今年收到的不喜欢的圣诞礼物留着,到明年圣诞再转送给别人。但是许多精明的消费者能够善加利用家里那些不太喜欢的礼物。我们就是来帮助他们把这些礼物变成现钱的。”[/cn]
大学英语精读(礼物) 提示: Myra Enid Morrison The old lady was proud of Myra, but Enid was the daughter she loved. Enid had never married, but had seemed content to live with her mother, and teach in a primary school round the corner. One evening, however, Enid said, "I've arranged for Mrs. Morrison to look after you for a few days, Mother. Tomorrow I have to go into hospital--just a minor operation, I'll soon be home." In the morning she went, but never came back--she died on the operating table. Myra came to the funeral, and in her efficient way arranged for Mrs. Morrison to come in and light the fire and give the old lady her breakfast. 老太太颇以迈拉自豪,但她真正疼爱的女儿却是伊妮德。伊妮德始终没结婚,但她似乎乐于跟老母同住,并乐意任教于附近的一所小学。 可是一天傍晚,伊妮德说:“妈妈,我已经安排让莫里森太太来照料你几天。明天我要去住院——只是动个小手术。我很快会回家来的。” 第二天早上她去了,却再也没有回来——她死在手术台上。迈拉来参礼物加了葬礼,并以她独有的干练方式,安排莫里森太太每天来家生火,并为老太太准备早餐。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>