• 英语床前故事:彼得·潘 01

    经典故事。 提示: Mrs. Darling Wendy It is a beautiful night in London. Mrs. Darling puts her children to bed. "Good night, my babies," says Mrs. Darling. "Look,Mommy!Here are some leaves. They fell off Peter Pan's suit," says Wendy. "Who is Peter Pan?" asks Mrs. Darling. "He lives in Neverland and he can fly," answers Wendy. Mrs. Darling smiles. She doesn't believe Peter Pan is a real boy. 在伦敦一个美丽的傍晚 甜心小姐哄她的孩子睡觉 “晚安,宝贝儿”,甜心小姐说 “看啊,妈咪!有好多落叶,它们落在了彼得潘的职服上了”温迪说。 “谁是彼得潘啊?”甜心问 “他住在永无乡而且他会飞”温迪回答 甜心小姐笑了 她可不相信真故事会有彼得潘这个人 ——译文来自: qianglei1075 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 英语床前故事:彼得·潘 03

    经典故事。 提示: Tinker Bell Peter comes back to the room with Tinker Bell. He wants to put his shadow back on his body. "Oh,no! It doesn't stick," cries Peter. "What is this noise?" Wendy wakes up. "Is that Peter? Oh, I can help you." She sews Peter's shadow on to his body. 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 英语床前故事:彼得·潘 16

    提示: "P..Peter Pan! Are you alive?" shouts Captain Hook. "Of course." Peter cuts the children's ropes. The children fight the Pirates. Soon the Pirates run away. Peter fights Hook. Finally Hook falls into the crocodile's mouths. “彼得潘,你还活着吗?”胡克船长喊道 “当然” 彼得切断了孩子们的绳子 孩子们和海盗战斗,不久海盗逃走了 彼得战彼得潘胜了胡克,最终胡克掉进了鳄鱼的嘴里 ——译文来自: pandy79 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 英语床前故事:彼得·潘 11

    提示: Indian tiptoe One day Peter Pan, Wendy and her brothers look around the island. They see the pirate ship. A girl is tied with a rope on the ship. "Oh, she is the Indian girl," says Peter. "Poor girl! Save her, Peter," says Wendy. Peter tiptoes quietly over to the ship. He cuts the rope and sets her free. 一天,彼得潘,温迪和她的兄弟们环视这个岛时,他们看到了一艘海盗船,一个女孩被绳子绑在船上。“哦,是那个印第安女孩儿”彼得说。“可怜的小女孩儿,救救她,彼得”温迪说。彼得踮起脚尖,安静的到了船上。他把绳子切断了,救下了那个小女孩儿。 ——译文来自: 水玉镯子 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 英语床前故事:彼得•潘 02

    提示: Mrs. Darling Peter Pan The children [w]sleep[/w] deeply. Mrs. Darling is sewing in the room. The family dog is sitting at her feet. Suddenly the window blows open. And a boy comes into the room. "Oh, my! " shouts Mrs. Darling. Growl! The dog jumps at the boy. Quickly the boy flies out the window. But the dog bites off his shadow. "He must be Peter Pan," says Mrs. Darling. 孩子们都睡熟了。Darling 太太还在房里缝补,家里的狗卧在她的脚边。突然,一阵风把窗户吹开了,然后一个男孩跳进了屋子里。“噢,天哪”Darling 太太叫了起来。“汪汪”狗跳起来扑向男孩儿。那男孩立即飞出了窗外,但是狗还在咬着他的影子。“他一定是彼得潘”Darling 太太说。 ——译文来自: light_snow 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 英语床前故事:彼得·潘 15

    On the pirate ship, the children walk the plank. The crocodile sits at the end of the plank. "I am scared," cries John. "Don't worry. Peter will save us," whispers Wendy. At that time Peter jumps up from behind the crocodile. The crocodile falls into the sea. 海盗船上,孩子们在甲板上走来走去。 鳄鱼坐在甲板的一头。 “呜呜,我害怕。”约翰哭着。 “别担心,彼得回来救我们的。”温迪悄悄说道。 正在这时,彼得从鳄鱼身后跳了出来。 鳄鱼掉进了海里。 ——译文来自: Ariel213 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 童话故事:彼得·潘 02

    提示: Mrs. Darling Peter Pan The children sleep deeply. Mrs. Darling is sewing in the room. The family dog is sitting at her feet. Suddenly the window blows open. And a boy comes into the room. "Oh, my! " shouts Mrs. Darling. Growl! The dog jumps at the boy. Quickly the boy flies out the window. But the dog bites off his shadow. "He must be Peter Pan," says Mrs. Darling. 孩子们都睡熟了。Darling 太太还在房里缝补,家里的狗卧在她的脚边。突然,一阵风把窗户吹开了,然后一个男孩跳进了屋子里。“噢,天哪”Darling 太太叫了起来。“汪汪”狗跳起来扑向男孩儿。那男孩立即飞出了窗外,但是狗还在咬着他的影子。“他一定是彼得潘”Darling 太太说。 ——译文来自: light_snow 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 查宁•塔图姆将为索尼影业出演小飞侠"彼得•潘"

    "Warrior" director Gavin O'Connor has found his next project and it's a supposedly fresh take on the Peter Pan story, titled "Neverland." Channing Tatum is locked into the project as a producer alongside Reid Carolin under Iron Horse Productions with Joe Roth and Palak Patel under Roth Films. Gavin O'Connor is signed on as director and will be helping out with [w]polish[/w]ing a new version of the script. It's been reported that Channing Tatum would be playing Peter Pan's arch nemesis Captain Hook in this production, but that's nothing more than a rumor at the moment. However, Tatum is fairly close to the project since Eric Bromberg and himself first presented the idea of the story to Billy Ray, who eventually wrote the [w]rough[/w] script they're working with now. There's a couple of questions that always come up when it pertains to a Peter Pan project, and the first is whether or not it'll be a live-action or [w]animated[/w] feature. Second, if Tatum were suddenly interested to take on a major role in this production it could be done. After all, the actor does have some time in his schedule to be in the movie if he wanted to. 去年备受好评的拳击电影《勇士》(Warrior)导演加文·欧康诺(Gavin O'Connor)将为索尼影业执导小飞侠彼得·潘(Peter Pan)电影《梦幻岛》(Neverland),而查宁·塔图姆(Channing Tatum)将扮演男主角“彼得·潘”。 《小飞侠》是J·M·巴里(J.M. Barrie)创作的经典童话剧,曾被迪士尼拍成动画片,并无数次以不同方式搬上电视屏幕和电影银幕。这次索尼的《梦幻岛》是受原著启发创作的原创故事,在这个版本中,“彼得·潘”不是那个“长不大的男孩”,而是他的前身——那时他和钩子船长(Captain Hook)是亲兄弟。 《梦幻岛》由比利·雷(Billy Ray)编剧、乔·罗斯(Joe Roth)担任制片,目前还不清楚何时开拍和上映,也不清楚谁会来扮演“钩子船长”。 P.S. Tatum和提名今年最佳男配角的乔纳·希尔(Jonah Hill)联合主演的《龙虎少年队》在周五正式上映后夺得了首日票房冠军,并且有望以过3000万的预估票房取得周末票房冠军,如果实现将是继《誓约》后Tatum今年第二部冠军电影。

  • 迪斯尼《彼得潘》经典插曲 快乐念头You Can Fly!

    每个快乐的成年人心里都住了一个永无岛来的彼得潘,不肯长大,一个小小的快乐念头就能让他飞起来。迪斯尼版的《彼得·潘》中最著名的这首插曲You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!就是抓住了飞翔的梦想和快乐的念头这两个童年最关键的要素,演绎成一首经典而欢快的歌曲。 You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly! Music: Sammy Fain Lyrics: Sammy Cahn Think of the presents you've brought Any merry little thought Think

  • 英语床前故事:彼得·潘 10

    提示: Michael Life on the island is interesting. John, Michael and the Lost Boys become good friends. They play and sing most of the time. Wendy cares for the Lost Boys. She cooks and clea...