假期综合症的英文: holiday syndromeholiday是什么意思: n. 假日,节日,假期 v. 休假,外出度假 in holiday array 穿着节日盛装的 Envy has no holidays 忌妒之人无宁日 Oh, we love holidays, holidays, hooray! 哦,我们喜欢假期,假期,万岁! The whole city is in holiday array. 整个城市披上了节日的盛装。 family holiday camp 家庭度假营 syndrome是什么意思: n. 并发症;典型意见 Scientists call
2012-06-30 -
国庆长假结束,我们又要回到学习和工作中去了。很多童鞋是不是觉得明明放了那么久的假,怎么比平时还要累呢?是不是觉得疲倦、失眠、昏昏欲睡、胃口欠佳、难以集中精神呢?这说明你可能得了“假期综合症”哦。 “假期综合症”叫做post-holiday [w]syndrome[/w]. The syndrome refers to a general feeling of [w]depression[/w] before returning to work, which is caused by irregular lifestyles during the vacation. The symptoms
追星综合症的英文: celebrity worship syndrome(对明星的喜爱倾向于病态)celebrity是什么意思: n. 名人;名誉,著名,名声 The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience. 观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。 Sam celebrated in fine style. 萨姆精心庆祝了一番。 Then it was back to the house for a quiet celebration. 然后就回到房子里悄悄地庆祝一番。 worship是什么意思: n. 崇拜;敬仰;敬神;礼拜,礼拜仪式
2012-07-11 -
星期一综合症的英文: Monday syndrome 星期一综合症指在星期一上班时,总出现疲倦、头晕、胸闷、腹胀、食欲不振、周身酸痛、注意力不集中等症状。 由于在双休日过分耗费体力处理工作之外的事情,待到双休日过后的星期一,人们必须又要全身心重新投入于工作和学习,难免出现或多或少的不适应,这即是所谓的“星期一综合症”。monday是什么意思: n. 星期一 The delegation will arrive on Monday morning. 代表团将于星期一上午到达。 The new policy will be determined by next Monday. 下周一之前将会
2012-07-08 -
我们实现了。所以,需要多大的勇气才能早早从床上爬起来去上学呢?说到这里,是不是感觉你也得假期综合症了呢? [en]According to the experts, it is quiet normal that people have post-holiday syndrome in modern world.[/en] [cn]按照专家的说法,现在人们有假期综合症是很正常的。[/cn] 那么,告别假期综合症的方法有哪些呢? [en]The first step you need to do is to keep a positive attitude and put in mind of the new term.[/en] [cn]首先你需假期里晚起晚睡呢?是不是害怕上学啦? 开学季,我们要如何告别假期综合症要做的是保持积极的心态并且提醒自己新学期开始了。[/cn] [en]The next step you have to do is to keep early hours.[/en] [cn]下一步你需要做的是早起早睡。[/cn] 当然除了调整作息时间、心态外,还需要保证有规律的饮食习惯。克服假期综合症这问题不难,不同的人应对的方法不一样。
综合症的英文: syndrome参考例句: Climacteric syndrome 更年期综合症 (chronic) fatigue syndrome;burnout syndrome 疲劳综合症 The complexities/ syndrome of the Gulf War 海湾战争综合症
综合症做了。 Nationwid,as colleges charge into the digital age with high-tech libraries,wired dormitories,and computerized course work,faculty and campus counselors are discovering a troubling side effect:A growing number of students are letting computers overwhelm their lives. 作为高校收费进入数字时代高科技图书馆、宿舍有线、电脑课程,以及校区辅导员老师发现了令人不安的副作用:越来越多的学生出租电脑风靡了生命. Have experience in the computerization of financial functions. 有财务电算化的经验。 To strengthen the computerized construction of inspection
2012-06-27 -
[en]Nice guy syndrome basically describes a guy who will listen to his female friend's every complaint, rant, problem, and experience in life; will help them out no matter to the cost to them; would die for their friends without even thinking; but can never get a girlfriend.[/en][cn]“好人综合症”说的是这样一类
综合症的英文: downs syndrome参考例句: China is a vulnerable region with a large population of Babies affected with Down Syndrome. 我国是唐氏综合症掉了汽车工业你也就关掉了钢铁工业和橡胶工业。 nail down; nail in;hold by 钉住;使人遵守诺言 break down resistance 粉碎反抗,制服反抗 syndrome是什么意思: n. 并发症;典型意见 Scientists call this the 'it won't affect me' syndrome. 科学家把这种现象称为“我无所谓”的典型表现。 Gastroenteritis:Acute infectious syndrome of the stomach lining and intestines. 肠炎:泛指发生在胃和小肠黏膜的急性炎症。 Lessons