• 【体验商务英语综合教程第三册】全球化(2/6)

    概述: 你能告诉我全球化的优点和缺点吗? Hints: 无 PS:本文三处连字符 But more and more in recent years, companies have started to rule the roost. The corporation, some commentator said the other day, "The corporation is the most important institution in our lives," and I think there's a lot truth in that. They can now dictate to governments, and I want to see some kind of give-and-take between governments and corporations. Now that's the first problem. The other problem that I see, of course, is one of unemployment in the Western world. As companies want to improve their profitability, they're going to be looking for the low-cost, low-wage centres. So we're going to see a flight of capital from the West which is going to be sudden and dramatic. If this is too sudden and is not managed properly we could find very severe employment problems in the Western world. So that is, I think, the kind of issue we've got to deal with as this process of globalisation gathers pace. 近年来,企业日趋开始独揽大权。前些日子,一些评论员提到,“在我们的生活中,企业是一个重要的机构。” 我认为这确实有道理。现在他们可以支配政府,我想要看到政府和企业达成某种妥协。这是第一个问题。我看到的另外一个当然是西方国家的失业问题。由于企业想增加利润,他们就会去寻求低成本,低工资的区域。这样我们将会开到资本急剧撤离西方。如果这台突然并且处理不当,西方国家就会面临严峻的就业问题。我认为这就是全球化进程中我们需要处理的问题。 ——译文来自: ringdove 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【体验商务英语综合教程第三册】贸易(5/6)

    趋向于非常热情。那可能是一项产品,一种服务,甚至是(进入)某个社交场合(的机会),但是归根到底,都是销售。并且(在销售过程中)他们把这种热情专注在自身的需要上,而不是购买者的需要。因此,例如,在我们自己的案例中,我看到过很多很多场合下,人们基本上直奔主题—我们要卖给你可口可乐,它是世界上排名第一的品牌,你一定很想要。他们没有做的是考虑购买者的需要。因此,比如说,购买者的需要或许是,他们想在杂货店里供应世界第一品牌(的产品)来鼓励消费者进来并且购买他们一系列的产品。滚动轴承生产厂的经理或许想要一个自动售货机器,因为如果他供应一个免费的或者打折的茶点服务,他的员工们会非常高兴。 ——译文来自: 小奔5564 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 商务英语综合教程课文及翻译

    在职场竞争激烈的今天,想要有更好的发展,英语已经成为了必备的技能,但是职场上的英语和普通英语不同,需英语已经成为了必备的技能,但是职场上的英语和普通英语不同,需要是商务英语,今天我们为大家整理了商务英语综合教程课文及翻译,一起来看一下吧。 How to Attend a Meeting会议妙诀 To really succeed in a business or organization, it is sometimes helpful to know what your job is, and whether it involves any duties. Ask among your coworkers. "Hi," you should

  • 【体验商务英语综合教程第三册】组织(5/6)

    believe very high quality catering arrangements with a very pleasant look from our restaurant overlooking a lake. We also provide you with car parking down in the basement, so it's very easy to come to Waterside. And we also have a gymnasium as well. So there's a whole variety of facilities all designed to get the best out of our people. Sounds a marvelous environment. 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【体验商务英语综合教程第三册】职业(6/12)

    , a christening, a family reunion sometimes. Uh huh. Anyway, I've got a great assistant at work - she looks after things if I'm away. It's no problem at all if I have a day off now and then. 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【体验商务英语综合教程第三册】广告(3/7)

    was the amount of money we spent - very little money - and in terms of sales results, as a percentage of the amount of money we spent, it was a huge success. So it was very cost effective. It was very cost effective and at the end of the day, that's what we're looking for. 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【体验商务英语综合教程第三册】旅行(3/7)

    appointments. If possible, I'd like to meet her tomorrow. Preferably in the morning. Could she call me back here at the hotel please? Certainly. What's the number please? It's 020 7585 3814. I'll be leaving the hotel soon, so if she can't call me back within, say, within the next quarter of an hour, I'll call her again this morning. Is that OK? 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【体验商务英语综合教程第三册】贸易(3/6)

    And I guess our 'must' was, we must have done enough to keep the dialogue open and ensure that our competitor didn't win the business on that day. So, the short answer is you don't always win. 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【体验商务英语综合教程第三册】广告(6/7)

    It means that the person knows, ah coffee, I need coffee, which brand am I going for, ah Jacobs, yes I've seen that, that's good isn't it - and they just buy it. It's an automatic response, they don't spend more than two or three seconds making a choice, and unless you're front of mind in those two or three seconds, they're going choose another brand. 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>

  • 【体验商务英语综合教程第三册】金钱(5/7)

    of demonstrating this. It should include the details of the business structure as well as financial information. It's often clear that logical thought processes produce good financial structures. 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>