读书笔记记为“已读”。 He finds pleasure in reading. 他从阅读中得到乐趣。 The communication was read by the host. 论文由主持人宣读了。 He read a flag signal. 他了解旗信号。notes是什么意思: n. 笔记;记录;笔录 v. note的复数形式 a note of protest 抗议照会 This is the tonic note. 这是主音音符。 The unstressed note or notes introductory to a phrase or composition. 轻音符介绍乐曲或作品的未加强的一个或多个音符 The greatest difference was noted in extension. 伸展测试的差异是最显著的。 To note how the diction describes. 注意词藻怎样起描述作用的。 到沪江小D查看读书笔记的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 读书报告的英文怎么说>> 读书\用英文怎么说>> 读书的英语怎么说>> 读入的英语怎么说>> 读取的英文怎么说>>
2012-06-28 -
【读书笔记】德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》34
(=linger about)在四周闲逛 ②linger out 慢慢捱过 5, It was Saturday morning, and the timid rays of a December sun were filtering through the curtains. 这是星期六的早晨,十二月的第一缕阳光透过窗帘,射进房间。 小Car笔记: [w]timid[/w]:胆小的,羞怯的 【常用短语】①as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠 [w]filter[/w]:过滤,过滤器,渗透 【常用词语】①filter out 滤出 ②filter tip 过滤嘴 《爱情笔记》读书笔记系列>>
【读书笔记】德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》06
“看透世人并不难,但于己无益。”艾利亚斯•卡内蒂说,意指我们挑他人的过错再容易不过,但于己毫无意义。 小Car笔记: and yet:可是,然而 find fault with:挑剔,发现过错,吹毛求疵 5,Do we not fall in love partly out of a momentary will to suspend seeing through people, even at the cost of blinding ourselves a little in the process? 我们不正是因为出于瞬间的念头没有透视对方的心灵,甚至为此付出蒙蔽自己的代价才因此而相爱的吗? 小Car笔记: momentary:瞬间的 suspend:暂停 at the cost of:以……为代价 in the process:在过程中,为此 《爱情笔记》读书笔记系列>>
【读书笔记】德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》40
of it?' 'Because I hate having breakfast without decent jam.' “我不这么认为。桌子上有五瓶果酱,恰好没有草莓的。”“我知道。” “为什么你要这么苛求呢?” “因为我讨厌早餐没有像样的果酱。” 小Car笔记: making such a big deal of it:这么大反应,小题大做,苛求 《爱情笔记》读书笔记系列>>
【读书笔记】德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》30
at all. 当我的手指和嘴唇拂过克洛艾的身体时,我没有思索任何严肃的问题,因为担心我的思索会干扰了克洛艾。 小Car笔记: while:当 ... 的时候,虽然,尽管,然而 【常用词组】①once in a while (=now and then):偶尔 ②make hay while the sun shines:抓紧时机行事 5, Because thought implies judgement, and because we are all paranoid enough to take judgement to be negative, it is constitutionally suspect in the bedroom. 思索寓含着判断,我们都那么偏执,以至会做出否定的判断,所以在卧室时,我们总是心存疑虑。 小Car笔记: paranoid:偏执狂患者,多疑的 【常用短语】①paranoid state:妄想状态 enough to:足以 《爱情笔记》读书笔记系列>>
【读书笔记】德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》24
假期后就给她打电话。 小Car笔记: [w]restrain[/w]:克制,抑制,束缚 【短语词组】①without restrain:无拘无束 ②[w]dietetic[/w] restrain:忌口 5,Pleased with such maturity, I kissed her on both cheeks, wished her goodnight and turned to leave the flat. 满意于如此慎重的告别,我吻了她的两颊,祝她晚安,随即转身欲离开她的住所。 小Car笔记: maturity:成熟,完备 【短语词组】①maturity date:应付款日期 《爱情笔记》读书笔记系列>>
【读书笔记】德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》18
期待的精灵。 小Car笔记: varied doses:不同剂量,不同程度 3,'I don't understand,' said Chloe, 'you do or you don't think that there's such a thing as true love?' “我不明白,”克洛艾说,“你怎么看待世界存在永恒的真爱这个说法?” 'I'm saying it's very subjective. You can't suppose that there's one quality called "love", people mean such different things by the word. It's [w]tricky[/w] to distinguish between passion and love, infatuation and love–' “我想说的是,这是一件非常主观的事,认为世上存在一种可以客观验证的'真爱'是很傻的。要把激情和爱情、迷恋和爱恋或不管什么事物区分开来都是很困难的,以为一切取决于你所处的立场。” 小Car笔记: distinguish between:分辨,区分 4,'But seriously, if you asked most people whether they believed in love or not, they'd probably say they didn't. Yet that's not necessarily what they truly think. It's just the way they defend themselves against what they want. 但是,严格地说,如果你直截了当地问别人这个相不相信爱的问题,多数人肯定会回答不。但这笔记》是一部细腻生动的恋爱过程全记一定不是真的,人们只是把它当作抵制自己真是欲望的策略。 小Car笔记: believed in……or not:是否相信…… defend sb. against sth.:抵制某人某事 5,They believe in it, but[w]pretend[/w] they don't until they're allowed to. Most people would throw away all their [w]cynicism[/w] if they could. The majority just never get the chance.' 他们对浪漫有几分信,然而却装作不相信,直到有一天他们必须得相信,或许允许相信。我想如果可能的话,大多数人都愿意完全失掉自己的玩世不恭,很多人只是永远没有机会而己。 小Car笔记: throw away:扔掉,抛弃 《爱情笔记》读书笔记系列>>
【读书笔记】德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》15
给我打电话,电话成了她魔笔记》是一部细腻生动的恋爱过程全记手中的一件刑具。 小Car笔记: instrument of torture:刑具 5,When Chloe called a few days later, I had [w=rehearse]rehearsed[/w] my speech too often to [w]deliver[/w] it correctly. I was caught unprepared, hanging socks on a rail. 当她一周后打来电话时,我已经把要说的话排练了太多次,以至一时语塞。我毫无准备,当时正在往扶手上挂袜子。 小Car笔记: caught unprepared:措手不及 《爱情笔记》读书笔记系列>>
【读书笔记】德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》13
value now exhaust dictionaries with their possible meanings. 平常生活中(即没有爱情的生活)的姿势和话语可以按其表面意义理解,现在却要穷尽词典可能有的所有释义。 小Car笔记: at face value:表面意义,表面价格 《爱情笔记》读书笔记系列>>
【读书笔记】德波顿 - 《爱情笔记》07
散了,后来又在行李提取处找到了她。 小Car笔记: amidst:在……之中 passport control:护照检查出,海关出口 4,She was struggling to push a [w]trolley[/w] cursed with an [w]inclination[/w] to steer to the right, though the Paris carousel was to the far left of the hall. 她正使劲推着一辆手推车。虽然从巴黎方笔记》是一部细腻生动的恋爱过程全记向来的行李的传送带在大厅左边很远处,但那辆手推车却总往右扭。 小Car笔记: cursed with:被,因……而遭殃 carousel:(机场)行李传送带;旋转木马 5,Because my trolley had no mind of its own, I walked over to offer it to her, but she refused, saying one should remain loyal to trolleys, however [w]stubborn[/w], and that [w]strenuous[/w] physical exercise was no bad thing after a flight. 我的车灵活自如,所以我便推过去让给他用,但她拒绝了,说不管车有多涩,主人都应该对它忠实,还说飞行之后做点运动也有好处的。 小Car笔记: loyal to:忠于…… physical exercise:运动,体育锻炼 《爱情笔记》读书笔记系列>>