11.In case I never said that. I... I do hope to marry you, you know, someday.——in case等于if

12.Hypothetically speaking, and not that I'd even be interested in this.——假装自己不在乎,却用假设的口吻询问。这句话提供了很好的范例。-我只是假设,并不是我对此很感兴趣。

13.You need to keep your mind away from those kinds of thoughts.你不应该再寻思那些事了。

14.I just want in the band. I love music. I've always wanted to play an instrument. Oh, and those uniforms are insane. epaulets? Who came up with those?——Ben为了追求Amy找辅导员商量加入管乐队的事情,这段很精彩,首先是他无厘头的表述:我只是想进乐队,我热爱音乐,我一直都想演奏一种乐器来着。(无厘头开始了)哦,而且我想说,他们的制服设计的太疯狂,肩章?谁想出来的玩意?


-You're not trying to get out of gym, are you?
-Gym? I would get off gym if I joined the band? What does one have to do with the other?
——实用句式you’re not doing, are you?你不会是要…吧?
——have to do with sth 和什么有关系可能比较常用,但是本句中的,二者有什么关系是个对该用法的新尝试。


16.Not that I don't relish the opportunity to climb the ropes and jump over the horses in gym, but love calls, and I must answer.
——Ben总是充满机灵古怪的借口。Not that, but 引导了一个表示原因的名词性从句。/
——love calls 你就要answer,那么when nature calls,不要忘了去bathroom.

17. ergo 因此,第一次知道这个连词。

-How long would it take to learn to play the cymbal?(铜钹)
-I don't know, but I think it's called cymbals, and as easy as it looks, I would think you'd still have to learn to read music so you'd know when to smack 'em together.

-Why do you even have to be in the band? Why can't you just call this woman up and ask her out?
-Because, as you mentioned earlier, now I kill two birds with one stone. I get a shot at the chick, plus I get outta P.E. Hey, but if you can take a compliment, I think you're making progress. I like the suggestion just to call her. Now, I'm not a phone guy, but I like that you'd suggest something so practical and personal. You might just do well here.
——Ben的一石二鸟的解释。kill two birds with one stone
——get a shot at sth试着去做。
注意——I get a shot at the chick也许是一语双关,射到了小鸡(对一石二鸟的呼应),又指代试着去得到那个女孩。(chick在美国俚语中指女孩)

-Life stinks.
-Well, it's kinda funny considering we're in a bathroom.
——stink v.发臭 life stinks 像life sucks一样是习惯的搭配,而“考虑到我们是在厕所里,这句话变得更有趣”。