少数派《越狱》第4季第1集 语言文化要点讲解
I will seek the justice that I now know the system cannot provide. So if you're reading this letter, you'll know I died avenging Sara's death.
avenge一般作动词,指替…报仇。比如She avenged her mother's death upon the murderer. 她惩处了凶手, 为母亲报了仇。1998年Uma Thurman、Ralph Fiennes和Sean Connery 主演的电影《复仇者》就叫The Avenger.
revenge一般做名词居多,指复仇报仇。比如2005年的《星球大战前传》叫Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith。
vengeance 也指报复报仇,用的较少,而是以短语形式with a vengeance出现居多。with a vengeance是副词短语,指To an extreme degree, with greater force。比如电影《虎胆龙威》(Die Hard)的第三集的片名就叫Die Hard: With A Vengeance.再比如December has turned cold with a vengeance. 十二月已经是透骨寒冷了。另有谚语Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure. 天网恢恢, 疏而不漏。
vendetta侧重族间血仇,即blood feud,比如罗密欧与朱丽叶各自的蒙太古与凯普莱特家族之间的血仇。2005年的电影《V字仇杀队》的英文名字就叫V for Vendetta.
- I've jumped through all your hoops. I've agreed to meet you here.
- Do you want to sell the card to me or not?
- Be right back. That's a lot of secrets on a little piece of plastic. Let me give you a little bit of advice--and this is on the house-- watch your step with that thing. The company will do anything to get it back.
jump through hoops指to do a lot of extra things so you can have or do something you want. 比如The company is jumping through hoops these days to try to please advertisers. 其中hoop本指圈,箍,环。比如呼啦圈hula hoop;再比如马戏团里有人或动物跳火圈fire hoop。另外hoop还可以指篮筐,shoot hoops则指打篮球。
If food or drink is on the house in a bar or restaurant, it is provided free by the owner. 比如We had to wait for a table so they gave us all drinks on the house.在本句是指卖家主动提出小小建议,不另外收费。
watch one’s step[/w]原用于走路要注意脚下,后泛指做事要小心谨慎。
- What I'm getting at, Gretchen, is even the best plan is only as good as the moving parts on the ground executing it.
- General, we got your card-- what's the problem?
- We have nothing. It's a duplicate. Almost flawless, but a duplicate.
- That's impossible. I saw...
- You know how important the retrieval of this card is to me, Gretchen. You know that this is a security breach that could have catastrophic ramifications for the company.
- The only thing I can think of... there was a blind spot when Whistler was hitting the target. Maybe he made a duplicate and he still has the original.
get at指 hint at, suggest(暗示)比如I don't know what you're getting at.
The best plan is only as good as the moving parts on the ground executing it翻译成汉语就是“计划再好也得靠人去执行”。 as good as的用法和意思很灵活,一种就是纯粹比较,但往往有别的用法,比如可以是 as same as比如 as good as new跟新的一样;还有一种指 almost实际上几乎是,比如 What he did has as good as shown that he is dishonest. 英语还有 as good as it gets指is not going to improve (get better), the best it can be.比如I went to Hawaii for a vacation and Hawaii is as good as it gets - sun, beaches, warm weather, beautiful plants.
ramification指A development or consequence growing out of and sometimes complicating a problem, plan, or statement.比如the ramifications of a court decision. 其动词ramify有分叉分支的意思
blind spot盲点,原指视网膜上视觉纤维汇聚向视觉中枢传递的出眼球部位,无感光细胞,故视野上呈现为固有的暗区,称生理盲点,专业术语叫scotoma。后来If you say that someone has a blind spot about something, you mean that they seem to be unable to understand it or to see how important it is.比如 The Prime Minister has a blind spot about ethical issues.