Raj (entering): Hello. Sorry I’m late. But I was in the hallway, chatting up Penny.

Howard: Really? You? Rajesh Koothrapali, spoke to Penny?

Raj: Actually, I was less the chatter than the chattee.

Leonard: What did she say? Is she still mad at me?

Raj: Well, she was upset at first, but, probably because her sister shot somebody. Then there was something about you and… then she hugged me.

Howard: She hugged you? How did she hug you? (Raj hugs Howard.) Is that her perfume I smell?

Raj: Intoxicating, isn’t it?

chatting up
【例】He likes chatting up the newcomers.

less A than B
【释】与其说A不如说是B (有道,下同)
【例】The result is that suits have become less a uniform than an expression of individual style.

【释】a person who is chatted to; i.e. the person to whom the chatter is talking. See also, listener(Urban,下同)
【例】She's always the chatter, never the chatee 聊天中, 她总是说话的一方.

【例】Yes ah, what can be more intoxicating than gold?

上一期 生活大爆炸S01E02 MJE美剧笔记 Raj在神游
