Howard: Leonard, you got one on your tail.

Leonard: My tail's prehensile--I'll swat him off.

Raj: I got him, Leonard. Tonight I spice my mead with goblin blood.

Leonard: Raj, no, it's a trap! They're flanking us!

Raj: He's got me!

Howard: Sheldon, he's got Raj. Use your sleep spell!

Sheldon: I've got the Sword of Asaroth!

Leonard: Forget the sword, help Raj!

Sheldon: There is no more Sheldon. I am the sword master!

Howard: Leonard, look out!

Leonard: Damn it, man, we're dying here!

Sheldon: Good-bye, peasants!

Leonard: The bastard teleported!

Raj: He's selling the Sword of Asaroth on eBay.

Leonard: You betrayed us for money? Who are you?

Sheldon: I'm a rogue night elf. Don't you people read character descriptions? Wait, wait! Somebody just clicked "Buy it now."

Howard: I am the sword master!

on your tail
【释】follow someone closely 在紧后方 (牛津,下同)
【例】A police car stayed on his tail for half a mile.

【释】capable of grasping 可抓握的,引申为可掌控的 (牛津)
【例】They have prehensile lips for feeding on leaves and saplings.
【讲】前句Howard提醒Leonard说 You got a goblin on your tail. 此句 My tail is prehensile意为它的偷袭在我的掌控之下。

swat him off
【释】拍倒他,干掉他 (有道)
【例】I swatted the fly off with a rolled-up newspaper. (剑桥)

【释】to add zest or flavor to (free)
【例】Spice your writing with funny remarks. (句酷)

【释】a sweet alcoholic drink made from honey and water, drunk especially in the past 蜂蜜酒 (牛津)
【例】I was very disappointed that the bar was serving honey-flavored white wine as mead. (urban)

flank:to menace or attack the flank of 侧面相接,侧面攻击 (free)
【例】What would stop an opposing army from flanking you? (有道)

【释】teleported为原型teleport的过去时。to move somebody/something immediately from one place to another a distance away, using special equipment 远距离传物,引申为瞬间离开 (牛津)
【例】If he tries to attack while being too far, he will be teleported back. (句酷)
【讲】原句The bastard teleported意为那个混蛋(Sheldon)先走了。

【释】a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel 调皮鬼,无赖 (有道)
【例】He is an unscrupulous rogue. No one believes him. (句酷)
他是一个刁滑之徒, 没有人相信他。

下一期 生活大爆炸S01E02 MJE美剧笔记 聪明反被聪明误

