how's the Florence Henderson look working out for you?
Florence Henderson是美国著名艺人,70年代初主演的电视剧很火。这里是Will说Sue发型过时。

snap 爽!

I picked t Stephen Sondheim biography section for our clandestine meeting place,
斯蒂芬·乔舒亚·桑德海姆被视为美国音乐剧界唯一能与韦伯分庭抗礼的人物,他的声名和实力举世公认。《西区故事》就是出自他手。《让小丑进来》(Send In The Clowns)也是他的单曲~~(尖叫!!!)

Oh, you, there, Whoopi Don Knotts.
Whoopi Goldberg 著名黑人明星,主持过奥斯卡,拿过奥斯卡最佳女配角。
Don Knotts 著名同性恋明星。

It's all above board, guys.
above board 光明正大 Openly - without any trickery

u guys could've least given me the heads-up. 
heads-up 事先提醒

th're having a moter sale on Dep.
Dep 就是丰采啦……

I think the way I was objectying Tina may have sent her over the edge.
over the edge 抓狂 insane

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