1 cumin n. 小茴香

We have to add cumin to the curry. 我们必须加点小茴香到咖喱中。

2 turmeric n. 姜黄

The turmeric has stained my fingers. 姜黄把我手指弄脏了。

3 coriander n. 胡荽

Coriander and cilantro are the same spice. 胡荽和胡荽叶是同一种香料。

4 came to mind 想到;想起

Amy was the first person that came to mind. 艾咪是第一个想到的人。

5 yoga n. 瑜伽

It was painful doing yoga for the f irst time. 第一次做瑜伽会很痛。

6 land v. 登陆;降落

Our plane can’t land because it is foggy. 我们的飞机因为起雾而无法降落。

7 Bombay n. 孟买

New Delhi is the capital of India, not Bombay. 印度首都是新德里,不是孟买。

8 luggage n. 行李

I hope my luggage will be here soon. 我希望我的行李很快会送到这里。

9 guru n. 大师;导师

I trust his wisdom because he is a guru. 我相信他的智慧,因为他是大师。

10 meeting n.会面;会议

I have a meeting with my teacher this afternoon. 我今天下午要和我的老师会面。

11 schedule v. 预定;安排

I had to schedule my meeting for tomorrow. 我必须安排明天的会议。

12 mesmerize v. 迷住;催眠

His words mesmerized you. 你被他说的话给催眠了。

13 be/get caught up in 忙于

I got caught up in helping to clean the apartment. 我忙着帮忙打扫公寓。

14 sight n. 景象

I don’t want to miss such a beautiful sight. 我不想错过如此美丽的景象。

15 barely adv. 几乎没有

I can barely believe such an odd story. 这么奇怪的故事让我很难相信。

16 thief n. 贼

That thief stole my purse! 那个贼偷了我的钱包!

17 grab v. 抓住;抢夺

Someone tried to grab my purse. 有人想要抢我的钱包。

18 chase v. 追逐

I had to chase my dog after he escaped. 我的狗跑了,我得把它追回来才行。

19 scarf n. 围巾

I always wear a scarf in winter. 我冬天都会戴围巾。

20 tackle v. 扭倒;抓住

That suspect was tackled by local inhabitants. 那个嫌犯被当地居民抓了起来。

21 march v. 前进;走过

Why are you marching away? Are you angry? 你干吗走掉?是在生气吗?

22 hail v. 招呼

Hail a taxi or we’ll be late. 叫辆出租车,不然我们要迟到了。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译
上海交通大学出版社出版授权 严禁转载