26.Look, I cast a big shadow, Pete.——cast a shadow over sth投影于,引申为使暗淡

-(Solar eclipse)I wonder if it's gonna be total.
-Not here, no. In some other part of the world, yes. A global event. Makes one appreciate just how small our planet really is. And we're all quite small really, aren't we?
——make appreciate of产生对什么的敬意,感谢,这里是it makes one(person) appreciate sth让人感慨世界之大。这里用global event 呼应全球人类的进化。

28.Some individual, it is true, are more special. This is natural selection. It begins as a single individual born or hatched like every other member of their species, anonymous,seemingly ordinary, except they're not. They carry inside them the genetic code that will take their species to the next evolutionary rung. It's destiny.
—— except they're not他们的一切都看起来平凡无奇,然而除了他们不平凡这点


29. And then Carla had the nerve to tell me he's not breed worthy, like he didn't win five all breed rallies, two regionals.
——have the nerve to say or to tell鼓起勇气做,竟然有脸说/ 这便是对上一条中教授观点的质疑,这只小狗赢得了很多荣誉,仅仅因为它不符合优生学,就贬低了它繁衍的意义么?看来这部剧中的小插曲都是精心设计的。
——breed worthy(值得配种的), breed rallies(狗选美活动,其中一项是品种鉴定), two regionals(两个地区性的选美)

-I walked through fire and I didn't get burned.
-Oh, here I am talking dogs again, and you go and say something really profound. We come up against all kinds of fires in our lives. And we test ourselves and face our fears, we usually don't get burned.——come up against sth遭遇。虽然母亲不知道真相,但是这种比喻的解释也很有意味。

31.You think I'm trying to be your best friend again. Admit it.(承认吧)I want to be your mom. I want to give you advice, but I don't want to push you away(推开,引申为疏远).

-quoting Frenchman 引经颂典的法国人,意在说浪漫的喜欢吟诗的法国人。

34.Oh God, he's overdosed. Yeah, I'm at 215 Reed Street, Number 7. I need an ambulance here immediately. He's ODed. No, no, he's conscious, just barely. Listen, could you just come? Get here soon, please. Okay, baby, it's okay. They're sending an ambulance right away, okay? You just hang in there, okay?
——ODed=overdose服药过多/ hang in坚持/ call 911该说什么?这是一种类型的例子。

35.This quest, this need to solve life's mysteries. In the end, what does it matter when the human heart can only find meaning in the smallest of moments. They're here, among us, in the shadows in the light, everywhere. Do they even know yet?
——life’s mysteries不是指人生意义,而是指生命奥秘。这句话是说,人类个体的短暂生命对解释人类进化进程中的奥秘是否具有意义。
