11. I'm eight points down in the polls.——down in the polls在投票选举中落后

-I'm a freak show. I have busted, like, every bone in my body, stabbed myself in the chest, I've shoved a two-foot steel rod through my neck, and l don't have a scratch on me.
- What do you call that thing sticking out?
——freak show,兴起于1840年到1940年的美国,主要是嘉年华一类的娱乐活动中展出奇怪的表演,例如两个头的牛,一只眼睛的猪等等。这里,她 bust(ruin completely) every bone, stab(刺伤,用刀等捅) herself in the chest, shove a two-foot steel rod through her neck(把一个两脚钢杆穿过脖子), but with no scratch on her看起来就很像这种表演。
——stick out 突出,这里指她的肋骨戳穿了身体突出来了。这句话其实有点幽默,既然她说你从未受过伤,那从你身体里突出来的东西你管它叫什么?

13. I gotta get this out of the press. I gotta make sure this stays buried.——阻止该消息被出版,让它销声匿迹。

14. Alpha Dogs —— The Americans Who Turned Political Spin into a Global Business,这里用来指那父子俩对权利的野心。


-What? You gonna retire on what you make? ——做你现在做的事情一直到退休?
-Maybe I'll shoplift my socks. ——拿偷袜子的事情挖苦她。shoplifting 入店行窃
-Don't get smart.When you put everyone else first, you end up last. You always put Nathan first. He took advantage.——get smart with对人无力,贫嘴,耍小聪明/这里母亲讲述她个人对先人后己的理解。
-Yeah, it wasn't you that was just pushing him right out in front of me?——反义疑问的强调句
-He takes up more space than you,demanded more attention. And besides, it's not my fault you allowed it.
-He's my brother. I love him.
-Love is overrated. ——overrate高估,这里是说爱往往使人高估了对方的价值,overrated正如同concerned这类动词的过去分词,是表示具有某种性质,而非被怎么了,即concerned 是关心别人的,而不是被考虑到的意思;然而unharmed这样的动词过去分词,则不表示性质,而表示被动意义,即unharmed是不受伤害的意思,不是指无害的。
-And he loves me too. I know it. We've always been close.
-Rose-colored glasses.——look through rose-colored glasses,乐观看待事物, 这里省略了动词,是母亲教育儿子不要太天真。
-That's cruel, Mom. Look, since Dad died, I know you've been feeling free to speak your mind. But it wouldn't hurt to edit yourself every once in a while.——wouldn’t hurt to do sth every once in a while偶尔做什么又不会死,也就是劝说别人做好做什么。
-I'm sorry if the truth hurts. I'm just saying you hero-worshipped him. And those feelings were never returned.——hero-worship sb偶像崇拜某人/ not be retuned得不到报答的
-You're wrong. It's biological, and I can't help it. We're...we're connected.——related指有血缘关系,connected更有生死与共的语感/ can’t help it不是我帮不了他,而是指情不自禁等于can’t help doing

17. fish tank ——鱼缸

18.It's just two weeks overdue.——overdue过期的,指过期了两周。

19.He sent some mouth breather.——mouth breather原指由于病理只能用嘴呼吸的人,因此他们看起来迟钝又庞大。由于用嘴呼吸常常被认为是不卫生也不礼貌的,所以用嘴呼吸的人也被认为是无礼又无知的。这里指武夫,只知道用武力解决问题的人。

20.You need to come up with that 30 grand, plus interest now. Or you gotta run.——grand一千美元/ Interest利息/ come up with 出了想出还有提出交出的意思

21. Well, then get yourself back into a program and make it stick this time.——make it stick 坚持下去反之I can’t stick it anymore.这里是劝说画家重归戒毒所,把戒毒坚持到底。

22.Suicide bombing——自杀式爆炸,恐怖事件多发的年代一定要会的词。

23.You can't go cold turkey, not alone. I mean, let me help you, please.——go Dutch由于对荷兰人的持有小气的偏见,所以用去荷兰表示各自付账或者均摊费用;而go cold turkey 不是指去土耳其,而是说放弃长久的不健康习惯,比如吸烟吸毒等。

24. An unidentified Samaritan witnesses(身份不明的撒玛利亚人目击者) described as a young teenage girl ran into the flames and rescued the young lieutenant. Now, the train is registered to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission(在核武器管理委员会注册登陆), and there has been no official statement yet.——典型新闻报道中使用的语言,值得积累。

25.-I know I owe you big on this one, Tom. I'm not gonna forget it.
-I won't let you forget it.——利益社会的经典对白
