I called you several times yesterday, but you were not in.
Although he is not rich, he’s quite satisfied with his own life.
Tom succeeded in writing a moving poem with his uncle’s help.
4.由于准备充分,他在面试中一点也不紧张。(not…at all)
He didn’t feel a bit nervous at all in the interview, thanks to his full preparation.
As long as we work with joint efforts, we will soon work out/solve this technical problem.
1. 我希望尽快收到你的照片。(hope)
I hope (that) I can/will receive your photo(s) as soon as possible. / I hope to receive your photo(s) as soon as possible.
2. 多吃蔬菜和水果有益健康。(good)
Eating / Having more vegetable and fruits / fruit does good to/ is good for one’s health.
3. 今天下午我没空,我和牙医有约。(appointment)
I am not free / available this afternoon because I have / have made an appointment with my dentist.
4. 你最好乘出租车去电影节的开幕式, 不然就要迟到了。(or)
You’d better go to the opening ceremony of the Film Festival by taxi, or you will be late.
5. 这款手机式样新颖、携带方便,深受年轻人的欢迎。(popular) The mobile phone is fashionable / modern in style and convenient to carry, so it is very popular with youngsters / young people / the young.
6. 他进公司后不久就独立完成了一项艰巨的任务,同事们对他刮目相看。(so)
He finished a difficult task on his own / independently soon / shortly after he entered the company, so his colleagues looked at him with new eyes / regarded him in a totally different light / treated him with increased respect.