1. 她找到了一分做护士的工作。(as)
She has found a job as a nurse.
2. 我们应该竭尽所能是城市变得更美丽。(try)
We should try our best to make the city more beautiful.
3. 宝宝的出生使这个大家庭充满了快乐。(fill)
The birth of the baby filled the big family with joy.
4. 我们对他的不辞而别感到惊讶。(without)
We were greatly surprised that he had left without saying goodbye.
5. 当你难以与父母交流时会感到苦恼吗?(when)
Will you feel upset when you find it hard to communicate with your parents?
6. 为追求时尚付出高昂代价的人应该尽早改变这种生活方式。(those)
Those who follow the fashion at great cost should change their lifestyle as soon as possible.
This magazine cost/costs me more than 20 yuan.
I always get up later than usual on rainy day.
Seeing Grandma a little sleepy, he drew the curtains and turned the TV down
4、乍一看,这块手表没有什么特别之处,但实际上它是一部手机。(there be)
At first sight, there is nothing special about the watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.
We all agree that once the conclusion of the investigation is drawn, it will be made known to the public as soon possible.