Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

这个人初入职场,以谈话的形式在讲述他的第一份工作。注意对话的首尾,各出了一题:开头3轮对话回合都在谈论the man 的工作时间长短问题“①What sort of hours do you work?\Well I have to work very long hours, about 11 hours a day;②What time do you start?\I work 9 to 3 … ;③And do you have to work at the weekend?\ Yes, that’s … ”;结尾出现了和选项相符的短语“Attention to detail”。20题A选项可以直接排除,这是个明显的体力工作,几乎没有脑力、智力方面的工作;B选项显然概括不全,因为他除了在厨房洗刷的工作外,还有别的陈述;C选项压根没有提及这种情况,所以D选项是概括出的正确答案。

A)It allows him to make a lot of friends. (这个it 肯定是使这个人往好的方面发展了)

B)It requires him to work long hours.

C)It enables him to apply theory to practice.

D)It helps him understand people better.

A)It is intellectually challenging.(后三项说体力上的工作,A项说是智力上的挑战,A可直接排除)

B)It requires him to do washing-up all the time.

C)It exposes him to oily smoke all day long.

D)It demands physical endurance and patience.

A)In a hospital.

B)At a coffee shop.

C)At a laundry.

D)In a hotel.

A)Getting along well with colleagues.(B\C\D都是对这个工作的感受或心得;A指的是人际关系)

B)Paying attention to every detail.

C)Planning everything in advance.

D)Knowing the needs of customers.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

此对话两人对着数据表(table of figure)在谈论在英国的儿童的零用钱问题(pocket money)。依旧是首尾各出一题。23题B选项可以直接排除,因为大量的children & pocket money关键词的频频出现,根本不会是在说每年的英国通货膨胀率。24题A 选项也可直接排除,通过预览可以猜测出it在B\C\D情况中不是up就是down;而“Why do you think the rise in pocket money is often higher than inflation?\Perhaps parents in Britain are generous”是24题的答案关键,generous也是四级高频词汇。通过预览可以猜测出25题pocket money 的用处,所以the woman在结尾处的两个提问逐步引出25题:“if you had children, how much pocket money would you give them?\And would you expect them to do with it?”,这时考生需要引起注意了,the man 接着就回答时说了“to buy some personal things”,25题C选项是干扰项。

A)The pocket money British children get.(B和其他三项不搭,可以排除)

B)The annual inflation rate in Britain.

C)The things British children spend money on.

D)The rising cost of raising a child in Britain.

A)It enables children to live better.(A和其他三项不搭)

B)It goes down during economic recession.

C)It often rises higher than inflation.

D)It has gone up 25% in the past decade.

A)Save up for their future education.

B)Pay for small personal things.

C)Buy their own shoes and socks.

D)Make donations when necessary.



