• [英语听力] Geek研究: 知道声音在水中是怎样传播的吗?

    声音在水下传播的很好,但是有一些声音从空气中传到水中却有一定的困难。为什么是元音能很好的传播而不是辅音呢? Hints: None 选材/校对/翻译:hqj5715Every spoken sound is actually a combination o...

    2011-09-18 20:00
  • [英语听力] Geek研究: 为什么鸟儿站在高压电线上却没有被电击?

    你是否曾经思考过为什么鸟儿不会被通过高压线的电流电击吗? Hints: None 选材/校对/翻译:hqj5715It's not unusual to see rows of birds perched on power lines. But did you ever wonder why birds a...

    2011-09-14 19:47
  • [英语听力] Geek研究: 为什么鸟儿站在高压电线上却没有被电击?

    你是否曾经思考过为什么鸟儿不会被通过高压线的电流电击吗? Hints: None 选材/校对/翻译:hqj5715It's not unusual to see rows of birds perched on power lines. But did you ever wonder why b

    2011-09-14 19:47
  • [英语听力] Geek研究: 冰箱会使厨房的温度上升

    冰箱所能做的只是转移热量或者说能量,从一个地方转移到另外一个地方。 Hints: None 选材/校对/翻译:hqj5715Turn on your oven, and you'll warm up the kitchen. With the oven door open, the kitche...

    2011-09-07 03:19
  • [英语听力] Geek研究:高音和低音哪个传播的距离更远?

    Joe和Susan在森林中迷路需要大喊求救。他们两个谁的声音传播的距离更远更容易被听到? Hints: None 选材/校对/翻译:hqj5715During their church choir's annual picnic, Joe and Susan wandered off to ...

    2011-08-26 21:21
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:毒蛇毒液黏性作用很强大

    Snakes are misunderstood. They’re not slimy. They’re not ___1___ by music. And the poisonous ones don’t all ___2___ venom into their prey through hollow needlelike fangs. In fact, the fangs of...

    2011-08-13 10:00
  • [英语听力] Geek研究: 轮船航行后的物理现象

    存在于轮船行驶过后的物理与科学现象。 Hints: None 选材/校对/翻译:hqj5715The wake starts out smooth because the passage of the ship destroys whatever wave patterns were there before the shi...

    2011-08-01 12:51
  • [英语听力] 厨房飘着的云朵

    厨房烧水时经常会看到白气,我们称翻滚的“白气”为“混合云”。两种温度、含水量不同的云团混合就可以产生。比如,壶嘴中喷出的高温水蒸气遇到厨房空气,迅速冷却,至少水蒸气凝结。Fill a kettle with water,...

    2011-02-28 21:16
  • [英语听力] 严禁模仿!

    本听力主要讲的是平抛运动,难点单词不多,语速较快。理解大意后听写会事半功倍。Don’t Try This at Home! Here’s a hypothetical scenario that is to remain hypothetical. In other words, don’t do t...

    2011-01-20 18:21
  • [英语阅读] 爆笑:最物理学的冷笑话(双语)

    一群伟大的科学家去世后在天堂里玩藏猫猫。轮到爱因斯坦抓人,他数到100睁开眼睛,看到所有的人都藏起来了,只有牛顿还站在那里。A bunch of great, DEAD scien...

    2010-01-20 08:29