

The wake starts out smooth because the passage of the ship destroys whatever wave patterns were there before the ship came through. The reason it stays smooth has to do with tiny organic molecules,such as decomposed plankton,on the surface of the water. There are always some organic molecules on the ocean's surface, but as the ship pushes along, it plows these molecules to the sides. This leaves the wake something like a winter road that has just been snow-plowed, with piles of snow on both sides of the road. The center of the wake is relatively free of organic molecules, but the two sides each have an accumulated pile-up. These stretch behind the ship on either side of the wake like ribbons. Well that's interesting, but how does this keep the wake smooth? It turns out that a thin ribbon of organic molecules on the surface of water is really good at suppressing small waves. These two ribbons, on either side of the wake, act like guardrails, preventing small waves from entering and crossing the wake. So that's why the wake stays so smooth and gloss--microscopic ribbons of decomposed plankton!
航迹的平稳是因为轮船的通过摧毁了在轮船通过之前所存在的任何形式的波浪。 航迹保持稳定原因也与细小的有机细胞有关--比如存在于水表面的分解浮游生物。 海水表面也经常会有一些有机生物,但是当轮船经过的时候,会将这些微生物推到两边。这使得航迹像是刚被铲过雪的冬天的路面一样,路的两边堆满积雪。 航迹的中心相对的无有机生物,但是波浪的两边却堆满了微生物。轮船行驶之后航迹两边的结构就像色带一样。 这非常有趣,但是这些色带是怎样保持航迹稳定的呢? 答案是,水表面薄薄的有机生物色带非常有利于抑制小的波浪。存在于波浪两边的色带,就像护栏一样,可以阻止细小的波浪进入、穿过航迹。 这就是航迹保持稳定和具有光泽的原因--由分解的浮游生物形成的微小色带。