金牛座 4.20-5.20

Your week will work much better as long as you keep the vibe on the lighter side & refuse to take yourself & what you do too seriously... However, at the same time, others are depending upon you to "do as you said you will do"... So there is the need to follow through on your promises & commitments. Any social activities are favored at this time... In fact, you really should try to go out as much as possible during the first half of the week with the intention of finding the laughter & good times. This is when the ideas & your inner creativity are at their top levels, so make sure to write down the ideas or they'll be quickly forgotten. The second half of the week is more emotional & serious in nature... The universe will set things up so you can get a much better idea of what needs to be done to ensure your future prosperity. This is when you should try to make your "action plans"... There can be a lot of emotional "over-head"... So find a way to base your decisions upon rock solid logic rather than unrealistic or "sentimental" feelings. Others are depending upon you to find your way through the magic so they can follow the path you're leaving behind.
