
supposedly /sE5pEuzidli/ 大概;据推测)即suppose+(e)d+lysuppose(猜想;假设),-ed形容词后缀,-ly副词后缀。My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.我个人隐约觉得,宇宙之奇异不仅超过我们所料想的,更超过我们所能够料想的。We can not suppose that some men have a right to be in this world, and others no right.我们无法假定一些人有权力活在世上而另一些人没有。

particularly /pE5tikjulEli/ 特别地;显著地)即particul+ar+lyparticul(=particle)微粒,-ar形容词后缀,-ly副词后缀,“连细微处的性质都具备地”→特别地;形容词形式为particularparticul+arParticulars are not to be examined till the whole has been surveyed.在概括地考察整体之前先不要探究细节。In heaven an angel is nobody in particular.在天堂里天使不是什么特别的人物。

substitute /5sQbstitju:t/ v.替代n.替代物)即sub+stitutesub-“在下”,stitute词根“放置”,于是“在下面放置的”→“准备用作替换的”→替代或替代物。参constitutional2002Text 4There is no substitute for hard work.任何东西都代替不了勤奋工作。Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.民主政治以无能的多数进行的选择代替腐败的少数作出的委任。

imaginative /i5mAdVinEtiv/ 富想象力的)即imagin(e)+ativeimaginev.想象),-ative“多……的”。Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.一个人能够想象出的任何东西都会有别人把它变为现实。

conference /5kCnfErEns/ 会议;协商)即con+fer+encecon-一起,fer词根“拿来”=bring-ence名词后缀,“把意见拿到一起来协商”→会议。A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done.会议就是重要人物的聚会,他们独自干不了什么事,但是在一起能决议什么事也干不了。Reading make a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.阅读使人充实,交谈使人机智,写作使人精确。conference just an admission that you want somebody to join you in your troubles 会议——仅仅是一种加入权,即你遇到麻烦时,想要别人加入进来与你分担。

budget /5bQdVit/ v.n.预算)看作bud+getThe only good budget is a balanced budget.只有平衡的预算才是好的预算。budget just another name for a family quarrel a detailed record of how you managed to spend more than you earned 预算——①家庭纠纷的代名词而已 ②表明你如何设法花掉比你所挣的钱还要多的一份详细记录。

worthwhile /5wE:T5(h)wail/ 值得的)←worth+whileLove doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.爱情并不推动世界,它只是使人生值得。

speculate /5spekju7leit/ 推测;投机)即specul+atespecul词根“看”=spect-ate动词后缀,联想:考研阅读题每个都不会做,对四个选项“看”来“看”去,希望看(推测)出答案,未果,最后只能看天由命(投机)了,于是悄悄拿出两枚硬币……There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate; when he can't afford it and when he can.人的一生中有两个时候不应投机:投机不起的时候和投机得起的时候。

victim /5viktim/ 受害者,牺牲品)。Men who do not make advances to women are apt to become victims to women who make advances to them.不追逐女人的男人容易成为追逐他们的女人的牺牲品。

consistently /kEn5sistEntli/ 始终如一地)即con+sist+ent+lycon-一直,sist词根“站”,-ent形容词后缀,-ly副词后缀,“一直站在那里地”→始终如一地;形容词形式为consistentcon+sist+ent;名词形式为consistencycon+sist+ency名词后缀。Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are the dead.一成不变违反自然、违反生命,能够做到完全始终如一的只有死人。Consistency is the last resort of the unimaginative.一致性是缺乏想象力的人们的最后乐园。consistency what requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago the last refuge of the imaginative 前后一致——①要求你今天像一年前一样无知 ②富有想象力的人的最后避难所。

convince /kEn5vins/ 使信服)。The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way.使愚人认识错误的最好办法,是让他走自己的路。

faithfully /5feiWfuli/ 忠实地;守信地)←faithful+lyBooks are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our minds thoughts of sages and heroes.书籍是忠实的镜子,把圣贤英杰的思想反映到我们的头脑中。faithful woman a woman who doesn't want two men to suffer as the same time 忠实的女人——不愿让两个男人同时受折磨的女人。

auditor /5C:ditE/ 审计员)用熟词editor(编者)记:auditoreditor的工作都是审查,但auditor审查的是钱,故以au开头←金的化学符号即Au

distract /dis5trAkt/ v.分散;扰乱)即dis+tractdis-(=away)tract词根“拉”,“把注意力拉出去”→分散注意力。The reason why we are so pleased to find out other people's secrets is that it distracts public attention from our own.我们所以如此乐于发现别人的秘密,是由于它能分散大家对我们自身秘密的注意。

register /5redVistE/ 注册;自动计数器)。History, which is, indeed, little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.历史实在不过是人类的罪行、蠢事与不幸的记录。

conformity /kEn5fC:miti/ 遵守;顺从)←conform+ity名词后缀。conformity the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth 顺从——自由的狱卒,成长的大敌。

inquire /in5kwaiE/ v.调查;询问)=enquireLuck stops at the door and inquires whether prudence is within.好运在节俭的门前止步,问讯它是否在家。

neglect /ni5^lekt/ v.n.忽视;忽略)即neg+lectneg-否定前缀(如negativeneg+ative形容词后缀→否定的;负的),lect词根“选择”(如electe+lectv.选举,e-前缀=ex-)。Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect makes a few men rich.注意多数人忽视的简单小事使少数人致富。A little neglect may breed mischief,... for want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the rider was lost.微小的疏忽可能酿成祸害,……缺一根钉子就会掉一块蹄铁,掉一块蹄铁就会失去一匹马,失去一匹马就会失去一名骑手。

profitable /5prCfitEbl/ 有益的,有利可图的)即profit+ableprofitv.n.收益;利润),-able可……的。Genuine ignorance is… profitable because it is likely to be accompanied by humility, curiosity, and open-mindedness.真正的无知……不无益处,因为它很可能伴有谦虚、好奇、及思想开放。That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.使人怀着期待打开、带着收益合上的书就是好书。Great men are those who profit the most from the fewest mistakes.伟人是由最少的错误获得最多益处的人。

underestimate /5QndEr5estimeit/ v.n.低估)←under+estimate估计;反义词为overestimateover+estimate→高估。Never underestimate a man who overestimates himself.切勿低估一个过高估计他自己的人。

cut and dried 千篇一律;odd ball 古怪的人。