• 《辛普森一家》上一家大屏幕
  • 英闻天天译: 《终结者》现场测试

    实中是不可能的真正发生的,奥布莱恩说。尽管最终,该场景通过了,因为《星际迷航》中也用了闪移。 参考译文2:        在2007年《名利场》的访谈中,原辛普森一家的作者柯南•奥布莱恩表示,这部剧的创始人马特葛鲁宁并不想做这种发生在不真实场景下滑稽、浮夸的卡通片。        他希望能够遵守万有引力定律这样的基本物理规律。有时候我会设计的超出这些规律,举个例子,在这种规律下,巴特就没办法用枪射荷马的脸,把他的脸射黑,但是下个场景荷马还是好好的。你可以在万圣节特别单元设计这样的情节,但是放在不一档沪江部落的原创翻译互动节目(戳去参与节目>>>),主持人提供翻译参考文本,对大家能在正常的单元里。        奥布莱恩说:在Marge v. Monorail这个单元里,伦纳德•尼莫伊就像一束光线一样出去了,这种情节不可能在现实世界中发生,因而这也是葛鲁宁所反对的。尽管最终,这个设计通过了,那是因为这在泰瑞克星球是可能存在的。 想要得到主持人专业的点评和意见吗?快来节目现场一一家》中5个场景的一则英文报道,让我们一起在翻译中关注。 SUMMARY: 探索频道的《终结者》节目将于下月推出第13季,现场测试《辛普森一家》(动画情景喜剧)中的一些经典场景。《娱乐周刊》报道。   CONTENT: In a 2007 interview with Vanity Fair, former “Simpsons” writer Conan O’Brien said the show’s creator, Matt Groening, didn’t want to make a zany, hair-brained cartoon with incredibly improbable scenes.  “He wanted respect for the laws of gravity, the physical properties of the basic elements,” O’Brien recalled. “I would run up against that sometimes. For example, you can’t have Bart shoot Homer in the face with a shotgun and make Homer’s face all black, and then have Homer be fine in the next scene. You can do it in a Halloween episode — you just can’t do it in a normal episode.” In the episode “Marge v. Monorail,” Leonard Nimoy’s animated likeness beams out, which was something Groening had protested because it couldn’t actually happen in the physical world, O’Brien said. Eventually, though, the scene made it through because beaming out existed in the world of “Star Trek.”   REFERENCE:d-be-recreated/?tid=pm_pop   【沪江英语小编】大家在查看主持人提供的翻译版本前,可以先自己进行尝试翻译练习,只有在不断的翻译中翻译能力才能有所提升哦! 轻松注册沪江,马上参与【英闻天天译】节目练翻译→ 本期节目参考译文:(参考译文由该节目主持人提供,仅供参考,欢迎大家讨论) 参考译文1:        在2007年接受《名利场》采访时,《辛普森一家》前任编剧柯南·奥布莱恩表示,节目的创作者迈特·格洛宁不想随随便便做出一个小丑卡通,拥有一些非现实的场景。      “他要尊重万有引力定律,基本元素的物理性质。”奥布莱恩回忆道,“有时会遇到这样的事情。例如,你不会让巴特用一支猎枪对着荷马的脸开枪,荷马的脸全黑了,然后又让荷马在下一场戏中像个没事人一样。你可以在万圣节那一集中这样做,但在平常的戏中不能这样干。”     在《玛姬与单轨》那集中,伦纳德·尼莫伊的动画形象闪移了,格洛宁提出了抗议,因为它在现实中是不可能的真正发生的,奥布莱恩说。尽管最终,该场景通过了,因为《星际迷航》中也用了闪移。 参考译文2:        在2007年《名利场》的访谈中,原辛普森一家试身手吧>>

  • 辛普森太太成为花花公子最新封面女郎

    作为人类历史上连载最长的电视连续剧,《辛普森家族》已经走过了21个年头,并夺下24座艾美奖。而现在,其主角之一、辛普森家的女主人Marge Simpson又创先河:继玛丽莲梦露、辛迪克劳馥等众多香艳女郎之后,成为首位登上《花花公子》封面的动画人物! 这位顶着爆炸头、长期忍受非正常家庭生活的女主妇在封辛普森家族》已经走过了21个年头,并夺下24座艾美奖。而现在,其主角之一面上十足性感,一点不输大牌女星。该期《花花公子》还对其进行了“专访”,文章标题《Marge Simpson内心的恶魔》,存心做戏做全套。《花花公子》的新任CEO,Scott Flanders称,这一举措是为了吸引现年35岁左右的读者群(他们在20岁左右时是《花花公子》和辛普森家族的双料读者。) The long-suffering wife of Homer follows in the footsteps of Marilyn Monroe, Cindy Crawford and Pamela Anderson, as she is pictured behind a signature Playboy Bunny Chair on the November issue. The magazine, which also carries an interview titled 'The Devil In Marge Simpson", as well as another three pages of pictures, is in honour of the 20th anniversary of the The Simpsons. Despite being on the front cover, Marge will not be totally bare, with the magazine only featuring "implied nudity". Scott Flanders, Playboy's new CEO, said the idea is to attract readers in their 20s to the magazine, which has an average reader's age of 35. He told The Chicago Sun-Times that the cover-shoot is: "obviously somewhat tongue-in-cheek. It had never been done, and we thought it would be kind of hip, cool and unusual." The Simpsons, featuring dysfunctional family Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, as well as an array of colourful characters, began its 21st season in the US last month after debuting in 1989. It has just been renewed for another two years, after which it will become America's longest-running prime time TV show ever. It has won 24 Emmys and is the longest running animated series on prime time. A full-length feature film in 2007 made more than $527 million worldwide.  时尚口语一周通>> 世说英语——别样时尚>>   恰逢国庆60周年,沪江网店6大活动欢乐送。现在报名2010年3月中高级口译课程,即可以享受预售优惠价,直接优惠40元。非常实在的优惠,不要错过咯! ◆ 点击此处查看你的学币数以及开通课程>>>

  • 《辛普森家庭》的5个神预测,竟然都成真了!

    [en]Do you remember in 2000, when The Simpsons predicted that Donald Trump would one day be President of the United States?[/en][cn]还记得《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)吗?2000年,这部动画片预测,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)会成为美国总统。[/cn] [en]Back then, in that happier time, it seemed daft and improbable - nothing but a good

  • 辛普森获准假释(有声)

    (文本为音频大致内容,可能与音频并非完全一致,欢迎大家贡献听写稿^^) This is AP News Minute.    President Barack Obama is on [w]Capitol Hill[/w] today trying to [w]reassure[/w] fellow [w=Democrat]Democrats[/w]. He said they were on the right side of history on his healthcare law and immigration reform, key issues heading into next year's elections.    O.J. Simpson has been [w=grant]granted[/w] [w]parole[/w] on some charges [w=stem from]stemming from[/w] his 2008 kidnapping and [w]armed robbery[/w] convictions. Simpson still faces at least four more years in prison on sentences that were ordered to run [w]consecutively[/w].    [w]Secretary of State[/w] John Kerry has arrived in [w]Pakistan[/w] for meetings to ease tension over U.S. [w=drone strike]drone strikes[/w], the war in [w]Afghanistan[/w] and the fight against [w]Islamic[/w] [w]extremism[/w]. The trip was not announced ahead of time because of security concerns.    And the National [w]Aquarium[/w] in [w]Baltimore[/w] has a new [w]centerpiece[/w] exhibit. The 12-and-a-half-million-dollar project features over 1,000 animals and 3,000 hand-[w=sculpt]sculpted[/w] [w]coral[/w] [w]replicas[/w].    I’m Matt Friedman, the Associated Press with AP News Minute. 声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江网"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。

  • 杰西卡•辛普森大腹便便遭遇街拍:美国甜心怀孕了?

    [en]Jessica Simpson: New Photos [w=fuel]Fuel[/w] Pregnancy [w=rumor]Rumors[/w][/en][cn]杰西卡·辛普森大腹便便遭遇街拍:美国甜心怀孕了?[/cn] [en]Is she or isn't she? The Internet has been [w]abuzz[/w] lately about whether Jessica Simpson is pregnant, and [w]speculation[/w] reached a fever pitch after new photos surfaced Tuesday.[/en][cn]是她?不是她?杰西卡·辛普森是否怀孕的话题最近在网络上炒得沸沸扬扬。而周二最新出炉的街拍更是为这则传言添了一把火![/cn] [en]In the pictures, Simpson, who is engaged to former [w]NFL[/w] player Eric Johnson, is wearing a baggy black top and carrying a large handbag to [w]partially[/w] cover her midsection. She was photographed at LAX after a trip home to her native Texas for a work [w]commitment[/w]. [/en][cn]照辛普森片中,已经跟前橄榄球明星埃里克·约翰逊订婚的辛普森穿着一件宽松的黑色套衫,拎着个大包包挡在肚子前。这张照片是辛普森从家乡德克萨斯回洛杉矶来开工的时候,在洛杉矶国际机场被拍到的。[/cn] [en]Her reps haven't responded to the rumors, leaving fans to study the photos to decide for themselves if Simpson is, indeed, expecting.[/en][cn]辛普森的经纪人没有对该传言作出回应,徒留粉丝们看图说话,猜测纷纷。[/cn] [en]Simpson, 31, and Johnson, 32, have not revealed a wedding date, and have said they're not in any hurry to tie the [w]knot[/w].[/en][cn]31岁的辛普森和32岁的约翰逊没有对外公布过婚期,他们觉得现在还不需要急着结婚。[/cn] [en]"We're enjoying our commitment to each other," Simpson said recently. "We want to take our time … We might [w]elope[/w] if it gets to that point."[/en][cn]辛普森近日说,“我们很享受彼此在一起的感觉,我们想从容地生活。如果时机到了,我们会结婚的。”[/cn]

  • 万圣节:辛普森一家之万圣节一家鬼屋

    相信大家对非常熟悉The Simpsons这部动画片,今天我们就来看看Simpsons一家是如何度过万圣节的吧 填写句子,注意大小写 May I remind you that I'm your principal's mother? I hope the next people don't give us anything so _______1_______, too! Why give them a choice? __________________________2__________________. I'm concerned we might be heading down a slippery slope. What do you think, Nelson? Can't talk. Lighting poo. Excuse me, but this is not good! Oh, lighten up. _______3_____. A night for mischief and merriement. Trick-or-treat! Lick my feet! Your head smells like pig-butt team! ________4________! Perhaps, I can be of ______5___. I've got something that will scare the H-E-double sippy straws out of them. Hold still1 __________6___________? Give me back my TV! I fed your fish. You overfed them! You're the worst one of all! we can trick them That trick was sweeter than any treat we'll get tonight It's Halloween Those monster must be stopped some assistance How is this a prank 要不要我提醒你们,我是你们校长的老妈? 真希望接下来的几家也不给我们糖,这样我们就可以也整整他们! 我们给他们一个选择吧,刚才这个捣蛋真是比今晚拿到的糖更让人开心 我很担心我们是不是有点越来越陷落,你说呢,内尔森? 我不能说话,在点燃大便 真不好意思,但你瞧瞧我们 轻松点,今天是万圣节,本来就应该让小孩子们玩闹 不给糖,就捣蛋!舔舔我的脚丫子!你脑袋闻起来就像猪屁股蛋! 这家对非常熟悉The Simpsons这部动画片,今天我们就来看看Simpsons一家些小害人精得想办法收拾一下! 也许我能帮你们,我有办法把他们吓得屁滚尿流 别乱跑! 这也闹得太过分了吧?把电视机还我 我喂了你养的鱼 它们喝多了要死的,你比它们更过分 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高一家外语水平>>

  • 找英语一对一家教需要注意什么

    来向老师请教。而网上学英语是一对一的直播授课,上课过程中是可以录制的,所以每次学习完后还可以看回放,方便复习。 3、外教资源更丰富。这一点在前面我也提到过了,现在很多的线下班外教资源确实是比较有限的,特别是很多的二、三线城市外教就更少了,再加上教学场地有限,所以线下想达到完全一对一的授课还是有些不太现实的。而网上一对一学英语基本都是外教授课,他们是利家的经济条件好了,越来越多的家长希望大家都能够有一个良好的学习英语环境,而一对一用了互联网的优势,汇集了全球了几万名资深的外教进行在线授课,所以师资方面供选择的比较多。 以上就是为大家整理的找英语一对一家教需要注意什么的相关内容,希望能够对大家有所帮助。一对一的教学环境是很不错,但是本文中提到的注意事项必须要了解,做到正确选择。

  • 【超有才】盗梦空间9月1日上映 网友自制预告抢先看

    胖墩格外讨厌。   一老一少在飞行中经过了千难万险终于看到了传说中的“仙境瀑布”,在相处过程中卡尔发现小罗其实是个惹人怜爱的孩子。在步行穿越一座森林时,他们遇辛普森一家到了不会飞的大鸟凯文(Kevin)和一只会说话的狗狗逗逗(Dug),让老人惊讶的是他们还遇到了他少年的崇拜偶像——探险家查尔斯·蒙兹(Charles Muntz),而且他发现蒙兹居然是一个为达目的不择手段的坏人。这时,老人离自己的梦想之地只有一步之遥……   本片荣获第82届奥斯卡最佳动画长片、最佳配乐2项大奖。   By tying

  • 《辛普森家庭》 创造了个词,竟被收录进字典了?

    [en]This news [w]embiggen[/w] s my spirit.[/en][cn]这则新闻让我极度膨胀。[/cn] [en]On Monday, Merriam-Webster, the most social media-savvy dictionary, announced that 850 words had been added to its online dictionary. One of those words is embiggen, which Merriam-Webster defines as "to make bigger or more expansive" and which was invented by The Simpsons writer Dan Greaney in 1996.[/en][cn]周一,韦氏词典这个精明媒体字典,宣布在其在线字典新增850词,其中有一个词是“embiggen”意思是变大或者是再扩张,该词来源于1996年《辛普森一家》的作者Dan Greaney。[/cn] [en]It comes from a Season 7 episode called "Lisa the Iconoclast." The episode introduced viewers to the city of Springfield's motto, passed down from its founder Jebediah Springfield: "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."[/en][cn]具体是在《辛普森一家》第七集,名叫“丽莎是个反传统的人”。该集向观众介绍了,从创立者Jebediah Springfield传承下的斯普林菲尔德的城市宣言:“高尚的灵魂让渺小的人变得伟岸。”[/cn] [en]" Embiggens ?" says school teacher Mrs. Krabappel. "I never heard that word before I moved to Springfield."[/en][cn]“伟岸?”学校的老师Krabappel夫人表示。“在我没有搬来斯普林菲尔德之前,我从来都没有听说过这个词。”[/cn] [en]"I don't know why," answers Ms. Hoover. "It's a perfectly cromulent word."[/en][cn]“我也不知道为什么,”Hoover女士回答道,“这也许是一个看起来完美的人造词。”[/cn] [en]It's a perfect joke that introduced two words that each entered the lexicon. But for some reason, only embiggen is going in the dictionary at this time. I don't know why cromulent isn't going in; it's a perfectly cromulent word.[/en][cn]这个是个完美的笑话,让两个(看似存在,其实是造出来)中的一个进入词条。不知道为什么选中的词是“embiggen”,而“cromulent”落选了,它也是个完美人造词啊。[/cn] [en]The Simpsons airs Sundays at 8/7c on Fox.[/en][cn]每周日东部时间的8点,也就是中部时间的7点,福克斯上会播放《辛普森一家》。[/cn] (翻译:林浔一家》的作者Dan Greaney。[/cn] [en]It comes from a Season 7 episode called "Lisa the Iconoclast." The episode introduced viewers to the city of Springfield's motto, passed down from its founder Jebediah Springfield: "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."[/en][cn]具体是在《辛普森一家》第七集,名叫“丽莎是个反传统的人”。该集向观众介绍了,从创立者Jebediah Springfield传承下的斯普林菲尔德的城市宣言:“高尚的灵魂让渺小的人变得伟岸。”[/cn] [en]" Embiggens ?" says school teacher Mrs. Krabappel. "I never heard that word before I moved to Springfield."[/en][cn]“伟岸?”学校的老师Krabappel夫人表示。“在我没有搬来斯普林菲尔德之前,我从来都没有听说过这个词。”[/cn] [en]"I don't know why," answers Ms. Hoover. "It's a perfectly cromulent word."[/en][cn]“我也不知道为什么,”Hoover女士回答道,“这也许是一个看起来完美的人造词。”[/cn] [en]It's a perfect joke that introduced two words that each entered the lexicon. But for some reason, only embiggen is going in the dictionary at this time. I don't know why cromulent isn't going in; it's a perfectly cromulent word.[/en][cn]这个是个完美的笑话,让两个(看似存在,其实是造出来)中的一个进入词条。不知道为什么选中的词是“embiggen”,而“cromulent”落选了,它也是个完美人造词啊。[/cn] [en]The Simpsons airs Sundays at 8/7c on Fox.[/en][cn]每周日东部时间的8点,也就是中部时间的7点,福克斯上会播放《辛普森一家鸥)