1. alter-ego 改变的自我
2. the cornerstone of my campaign for class president 班长竞选的基石
3. I'm running on a platform of moral, mental, and social advancement through good deeds. 我正在向德智体美全面发展的优等生迈进。
4. fundraiser 基金募集
5. ballroom 舞厅
6. set the TiVos 设置机顶盒(这里指设置节目提醒, 从而能够收看她火中救人的新闻节目)
7. Makes me look fiscally responsible. 让我看起来在经济方面很有说服力(竞选中)
8. a celebratory bonfire where I need to represent我将要出席的篝火晚会
9. midnight-ish 通宵的
10. quarterback四分卫(美式足球)

11. poke around into why you jumped off the roof 到处寻找你跳楼的原因
12. Aren't you curious how this happened? 你不好奇么?
13. find a way to put a spin on this 编故事解释这件事(spin表示为使一些事件的原委更符合要求,编造并公开宣扬的故事)
14. crazy runs in our family 家族疯狂史
15. I've got an election to win and a family to feed, okay? 我要赢得选举还要供养家庭
16. the program on the computer 电脑程序
17. he cracked some code 编码(通俗说法)
18. algorithm 算法
19. speak gibberish解读乱码
20. horn-rimmed glasses 牛角框眼镜

21. And with the money, we can get you straightened out. Into rehab.用这笔钱,我们可以使你完全改正过来,通过参加戒毒修复
22. Give it a shot. 试试,给它个机会被试。(shot 等于chance)
23. wide open 敞开的
24. run off to an away game 逃跑 玩失踪
25. the attempts at bodily harm 自残
26. visual effects geek 弄视觉效果的极客
27. pump pom-poms 甩彩球(拉拉队用的毛状球)
28. be framed. 被陷害
29. tropical island 热带岛屿
30. sitting out years with sb 和谁一起熬年头

31. figure out what to do with her 相处怎么处置她
32. a severe trauma 严重的外伤
33. We've pieced a trail across a dozen states. 我们已经在十几个州安插了追踪。
34. traceable sign of physical contact 可追踪的肉体接触过的迹象
35. mutilation of the head or neck头或颈部的截断
36. see the connections 看到关联
37. a little light reading before bed 睡前的消遣性读物
38. tell sth in confidence私下里说
39. What's gotten into you? 你出什么问题了?
40. decipher the principle behind it 破译背后隐藏的规律

41. validate everything he believed 使他相信的东西得到证实
42. have a lot of faith in sb对谁寄予希望
43. insanity 疯狂
44. where did it get me? 我欠它的么?我为什么要管它?
45. a handful of people 少量的几个人
46. junk垃圾
47. I fleshed everything.我用马桶冲走了所有的东西。
48. that’s the drugs talking. 那是毒品的作用
49. Genes determine obesity, blood pressure. Out of the 30 billion possibilities, one might contain the potential for human flight.基因决定肥胖,血压。300亿中就有一个人有飞行的潜力。
50. You don't seem like yourself. 你和平时不同

51. You don't know me well enough to know when I'm not being myself.
52. plain milk 原味牛奶
53. draw mermaids in the margins of your notebook. 在笔记本的空白处画美人鱼
54. Put crackers in your sandwiches to make them crunch.
55. And you're usually the first person to laugh at a joke.
56. a model citizen 模范市民
57. fill in my replacement 填写完交接者申请
58. be bummed 郁闷
59. spy on sb 监视
60. therapy session 心理辅导课程

61. I don't mean to be. 我不是故意的
62. that has got to be a record. 那可破记录了。
63. crawl through a wood chipper 从木材切削机里爬出来
64. That narrows my choices in life to freak or guinea pig. In most cases, both.它把我的人生选择范围缩小到了要么是变态要么是傻瓜,多数时候,两者都是。
