BRODY MITCHUM: Nice effigy.
CLAIRE: Thanks. I stayed up all night stuffing it with newspaper.
BRODY MITCHUM: I would have filled his head with firecrackers, but that's just me. Careful. If you stand too close, you'll end up like that guy.
CLAIRE: I'm not as flammable as he is.
——effigy 人偶,多用于特指诅咒人偶,一般用来焚烧。这里估计是弄敌方球队的队服做成的小人,或者是自己队员的队服做的人偶以供取乐。所以clarie说她用了一晚上向人偶里塞报纸;而男生说他宁愿向人偶的头里塞鞭炮。
——claire说自己not as flammable as he is 语带双关,除了指人偶是用毅然物品做成的以使它能够迅速被点燃,还指自己的自愈功能。
——stuff in with sth塞进

7. So do I. It was supposed to be a good thing when I made associate, and you were suppose to be happy for me. But ever since, it's like you're mad at me for getting what I wanted, because you haven't.
——夫妻间的竞争氛围容易引发裂痕。一方取得事业成功而另一方总是事业低迷,于是,it's like you're mad at me for getting what I wanted, because you haven't.这种抱怨就出现了。
——associate 这里是名词,指一个人认识到自己成为了组织里的重要成员,也就是得到重视。

PETER: To destiny. May we recognize it when we see it.
SIMONE: To love. May we stay away from it when it's no good for us.

9. There's something I should tell you. Something, uh ... I didn't think was right to say when I still worked for your father. Something I wouldn't have even said to you two days ago. I've been in love with you since the minute I first laid eyes on you.

10.   I'd like to apologize about the rain. If you elect me, I promise I'll try and do something about it. I'd like to welcome you all here, on behalf of my family, my entire campaign staff. I'm sure that you know my brave wife would be here by my side, were she able. The life-altering event of my father's death is really what prompted me to run for Congress. My father hid a deep depression -- an illness, really -- up until the day he died. His loving wife, his attentive children, his loyal friends -- we all knew about it, and yet he suffered alone. As many of you might have read, my brother Peter had an accident. But what I have kept from the press thus far is that Peter barely survived a suicide attempt. My first instinct was to keep his illness hidden. But no one should suffer alone. Because we're all connected somehow. Everyone in this room. You, me, -- everyone in this city. And we need to look out for each other.
——I'd like to apologize about the rain. If you elect me, I promise I'll try and do something about it竞选中幽默是必须的。
——on behalf of 代表,为了
——I'm sure that you know my brave wife would be here by my side, were she able.正常语序是,I’m sure that you know my brave wife who would be here by my side, if she were able. 我相信你们一定认识我勇敢的妻子,只要她能够,她一定会站在我身边。
——sth is really what prompted me to do sth 促使我做某事的真正动力
——run for竞选
——loving wife, attentive children, loyal friends 深爱的妻子,孝顺的子女,忠实的朋友(修饰关系例文积累)
——thus far 至今为止,同义词by now, so far
——barely survived a suicide attempt勉强从自杀中死里逃生
——My first instinct was to do 我的第一反应(本能)就是去做什么
——look out for 留意,关照,(消极意义也指提放小心)

PETER: You son of a bitch!(SOAB)
NATHAN: Easy, Pete, that's our mother you're talking about.

12.   This force, evolution, is not sentimental. Like the earth itself, it knows only the hard facts of life's struggle with death. All you can do it hope and trust. That when you've served its needs faithfully, there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew.

13.   That's it? You waited up all this time so that you could tell me that you don't want to talk to me?
——wait up等候者不睡
