ose v. 1.腐烂2. 分解

例如:A liquid is decomposed when an electric current passes through it.(当电流通过时, 液体就分解。)

usa. 得体的,合宜的

例如:He gave his wife a decorous kiss.(他给了他太太得体的一吻。)

mn. 礼节,稳重

n. 命令,判决v. 命令,判定

例如:They had to obey the decree that beards be shaved off.(他们只得服从剃光胡须的法令。)

n. 责难,(公开)谴责

v. 认为,相信,视为

例如:Don't you deem that it is your duty to help?(你不认为助人是你的责任吗?)

cen. 违抗,蔑视,挑战

a 灵巧的,熟练的

v. 神化

例如:Some people deify power.(某些人崇拜权力如神。)

ten. 代表v. 授权,委托,委派为代表

例如:He delegated me to perform a task.(他委派我去执行一项任务。)
