Medal Winner:

Thimble Summer by Elizabeth Enright 夏日指环
Honor Books:
Nino by Valenti Angelo
Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard & Florence Atwater 波普先生的企鹅
Hello the Boat! by Phyllis Crawford 您好,帆船
Leader By Destiny: George Washington, Man and Patriot by Jeanette Eaton 天生领导者:乔治华盛顿,男人和爱国者
Penn by Elizabeth Janet Gray 佩恩

Medal Winner:
The White Stag by Kate Seredy 白牡鹿
Honor Books:
Pecos Bill by James Cloyd Bowman 佩科斯比尔
Bright Island by Mabel Robinson 布莱特岛
On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder 在梅溪旁

Medal Winner:
Roller Skates by Ruth Sawyer 滑轮冰鞋
Honor Books:
Phebe Fairchild: Her Book by Lois Lenski 帕赫贝尔仙童的书
Whistler's Van by Idwal Jones 惠斯勒大卡车
The Golden Basket by Ludwig Bemelmans 金色的篮球
Winterbound by Margery Bianco 受限的户外运动
The Codfish Musket by Agnes Hewes 鳕步枪
Audubon by Constance Rourke 奥特朋

Medal Winner:
Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink 凯蒂·伍德朗
Honor Books:
Honk, the Moose by Phil Stong 汉克这头鹿
The Good Master by Kate Seredy 好师傅
Young Walter Scott by Elizabeth Janet Gray 年轻的沃特斯考特
All Sail Set: A Romance of the Flying Cloud by Armstrong Sperry 航行的开始:飞云的罗曼史

Medal Winner:
Dobry by Monica Shannon 杜伯瑞
Honor Books:
Pageant of Chinese History by Elizabeth Seeger 中国历史的盛会
Davy Crockett by Constance Rourke 大卫克罗
Day On Skates: The Story of a Dutch Picnic by Hilda Von Stockum 溜冰的日子:荷兰野餐的故事

Medal Winner:
Invincible Louisa: The Story of the Author of Little Women by Cornelia Meigs 不可征服的路易莎:小妇人作者的故事
Honor Books:
The Forgotten Daughter by Caroline Snedeker 健忘的女儿
Swords of Steel by Elsie Singmaster 钢剑
ABC Bunny by Wanda Gág 小兔ABC
Winged Girl of Knossos by Erik Berry, pseud. 克诺索斯的会飞女孩
New Land by Sarah Schmidt 新大陆
Big Tree of Bunlahy: Stories of My Own Countryside by Padraic Colum 布兰大树:我家乡的故事
Glory of the Seas by Agnes Hewes 光荣的海洋
Apprentice of Florence by Ann Kyle 佛罗伦萨的学徒

Medal Winner:
Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze by Elizabeth Lewis 扬子江上游的杨福
Honor Books:
Swift Rivers by Cornelia Meigs 湍急的河流
The Railroad To Freedom: A Story of the Civil War by Hildegarde Swift 通向自由的铁路:内战故事
Children of the Soil: A Story of Scandinavia by Nora Burglon 大地之子:斯堪的那维亚的故事

Medal Winner:
Waterless Mountain by Laura Adams Armer 无水的山
Honor Books:
The Fairy Circus by Dorothy P. Lathrop 仙女马戏团
Calico Bush by Rachel Field 卡利柯灌木丛
Boy of the South Seas by Eunice Tietjens 南海的孩子
Out of the Flame by Eloise Lownsbery 没有硝烟
Jane's Island by Marjorie Allee 简妮的岛
Truce of the Wolf and Other Tales of Old Italy by Mary Gould Davis 狼的休战和古意大利童话

Medal Winner:
The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth 跑到天堂的猫
Honor Books:
Floating Island by Anne Parrish 漂流岛
The Dark Star of Itza: The Story of A Pagan Princess by Alida Malkus 伊扎的黑光:异教徒公主的故事
Queer Person by Ralph Hubbard 奇怪的人
Mountains are Free by Julie Davis Adams 自由的山
Spice and the Devil's Cave by Agnes Hewes 香料和魔鬼的洞
Meggy MacIntosh by Elizabeth Janet Gray 梅格麦金塔电脑
Garram the Hunter: A Boy of the Hill Tribes by Herbert Best 格让姆亨特:希尔部落的男孩
Ood-Le-Uk the Wanderer by Alice Lide & Margaret Johansen 流浪者

Medal Winner:
Hitty, Her First Hundred Years by Rachel Field 木偶百年奇遇记
Honor Books:
A Daughter of the Seine: The Life of Madame Roland by Jeanette Eaton 塞纳河的女儿:罗兰夫人的生活
Pran of Albania by Elizabeth Miller 阿尔巴利亚的蓬武里
Jumping-Off Place by Marion Hurd McNeely 出发点
The Tangle-Coated Horse and Other Tales by Ella Young 穿着外套的马和其他童话
Vaino by Julia Davis Adams 一个男孩的新芬兰
Little Blacknose by Hildegarde Swift 小黑鼻