Medal Winner:

The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare 黑鸟池塘的女巫
Honor Books:
The Family Under The Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson 桥下一家人
Along Came A Dog by Meindert Dejong 来了只狗
Chucaro: Wild Pony of the Pampa by Francis Kalnay 潘帕草原上的小马
The Perilous Road by William O. Steele 危险的路

Medal Winner:
Rifles for Watie by Harold Keith 给威蒂的枪
Honor Books:
The Horsecatcher by Mari Sandoz 捕马者
Gone-Away Lake by Elizabeth Enright 消失的湖
The Great Wheel by Robert Lawson 车轮
Tom Paine, Freedom's Apostle by Leo Gurko 自由人

Medal Winner:
Miracles on Maple Hill by Virginia Sorensen 枫树山的奇迹
Honor Books:
Old Yeller by Fred Gipson 老黄狗
The House of Sixty Fathers by Meindert DeJong 六十个爸爸的房子
Mr. Justice Holmes by Clara Ingram Judson 霍姆斯大法官
The Corn Grows Ripe by Dorothy Rhoads 谷物熟了
Black Fox of Lorne by Marguerite de Angeli 罗恩的黑狐狸

Medal Winner:
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham 加油,波蒂奇先生
Honor Books:
The Secret River by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings 我的秘密河流
The Golden Name Day by Jennie Lindquist 金色的命名日
Men, Microscopes, and Living Things by Katherine Shippen 人类,显微镜和生物

Medal Winner:
The Wheel on the School by Meindert DeJong 校舍上的车轮
Honor Books:
Courage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh 莎拉的勇气
Banner In The Sky by James Ullman 天空中的旗帜

Medal Winner:
...And Now Miguel by Joseph Krumgold ……现在来吧,米格尔
Honor Books:
All Alone by Claire Huchet Bishop 独自一人
Shadrach by Meindert Dejong 小兔沙得拉
Hurry Home, Candy by Meindert Dejong 小糖果,快回家
Theodore Roosevelt, Fighting Patriot by Clara Ingram Judson 西奥多罗斯福,战斗的爱国者
Magic Maize by Mary & Conrad Buff 魔法玉米

Medal Winner:
Secret of the Andes by Ann Nolan Clark 安第斯山脉的秘密
Honor Books:
Charlotte's Web by E. B. White 夏洛的网
Moccasin Trail by Eloise Jarvis McGraw 鹿皮鞋的痕迹
Red Sails to Capri by Ann Weil 红帆历险记
The Bears on Hemlock Mountain by Alice Dalgliesh 西莫罗克山上的熊
Birthdays of Freedom, Vol. 1 by Genevieve Foster 自由的生日

Medal Winner:
Ginger Pye by Eleanor Estes 金吉·派伊
Honor Books:
Americans Before Columbus by Elizabeth Baity 哥伦布之前的美国人
Minn of the Mississippi by Holling C. Holling 密西西比河边的明里达州
The Defender by Nicholas Kalashnikoff 防御者
The Light at Tern Rock by Julia Sauer 有光的房子
The Apple and the Arrow by Mary & Conrad Buff 苹果和剑

Medal Winner:
Amos Fortune, Free Man by Elizabeth Yates 埃莫斯·福顿,自由的人
Honor Books:
Better Known as Johnny Appleseed by Mabel Leigh Hunt 大家都知道的约翰苹果籽
Gandhi, Fighter Without a Sword by Jeanette Eaton 甘地,非暴力抵抗运动
Abraham Lincoln, Friend of the People by Clara Ingram Judson 亚布拉罕林肯,人民的朋友
The Story of Appleby Capple by Anne Parrish 艾珀芭卡蓬的故事

Medal Winner:
The Door in the Wall by Marguerite de Angeli 墙上的门
Honor Books:
Tree of Freedom by Rebecca Caudill 自由树
The Blue Cat of Castle Town by Catherine Coblentz 城堡镇的蓝猫
Kildee House by Rutherford Montgomery 卡迪的房子
George Washington by Genevieve Foster 乔治华盛顿
Song of The Pines: A Story of Norwegian Lumbering in Wisconsin by Walter & Marion Havighurst 松树的歌:威斯康辛州挪威伐木工人的故事