"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is claiming victory in Iran. It's controversial and he is very unpopular. And the danger is this - he could ruin the political career of his brother, Jeb." --David Letterman


"No, it's sad about Iran, but what do you expect about a country with a government that's propped up by oil, that's led by a religious wacko? Kind of like Alaska." --Bill Maher


"But the Iranian government is planning a curfew because things are getting so crazy in Iran. And I thought if there is one thing an angry mob respects, by God, it's a curfew, isn't it?" --David Letterman

"But the Iranian supreme leader says the election results are official. He said, 'It's over, the election results are official. And besides that, it costs too much torig another election.'" --David Letterman

"Former Vice President Dick Cheney is in the news. Cheney has signed a publishing deal to write his memoirs. I don't want to spoil anything, but it ends with him killing Obi-Wan Kenobi.'" --Conan O'Brien
前副总统迪克·切尼上新闻了。切尼已经签了一份协议写他的传记。我不想透露什么内容,不过传记的结局是他杀死了Obi-Wan Kenobi。——柯南·奥布莱恩

"Toyota has begun production on a Prius Hearse which they say will be better for the environment than the traditional gas-powered hearse. Experts say it's the perfect way to tell everyone at your funeral procession, 'I'm judging you from beyond the grave.'" --Conan O'Brien
丰田公司开始生产普锐斯灵车 ,他们说这种车比传统的燃气动力的灵车更环保。专家说对于每个参加你的葬礼的人来说都是一种很好的方式,“我不只从你的坟墓评判你。”——柯南·奥布莱恩  
