8.House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.

Actually, it means just the opposite. A pentagram is protection against evil, really powerful. I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing.
——mean opposite意思相反,这里指,女孩原本以为这个图案是邪恶的意思。
-Okay, thank you “Unsolved Mysteries”.

10.No chick flick moments.
——别和我煽情,别来动情时刻。Chick flick是俚语,表示女性观众为主的电影,题材多为爱情,flick的名词有电影的意思;男性观众为主的电影,可以叫做blockbuster,buster是破坏者的意思。


11.a whole lot of satanic mumbo jumbo
——一大堆邪恶巫术。Satanic恶魔的, 邪恶的,因为satan是撒旦的意思;mumbo jumbo是贬义词,表示莫名其妙的话,巫术之类的。当然mumbo 和jumbo 本身也有自己的意思,这种组合很可能是和teeny tiny(表示微小)相似,是为了押韵而形成的。

12. a local legend—— a woman in white
A woman in white, or sometimes a weeping woman, it’s a ghost story. Well it’s more of a phenomenon really. Um, they’re spirits(灵魂). They’ve been sited for hundreds of years, dozens of places; in Hawaii and Mexico, lately in Arizona and Indiana. All these are different women, you understand. But all share the same story. You see, when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them. And these women, basically suffering from temporary insanity(暂时的精神错乱), murdered their children. Then once they realized what they had done, they took their own lives. So now their spirits are cursed, walking back roads, waterways, and if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him, and that man is never seen again.
本段是由对话加工而成,介绍了本剧中出现的第一个美国本土传说,白衣女鬼(a woman in white)的故事,有时也叫哭泣女鬼(a weeping woman)。白衣女鬼的现象曾经出现于夏威夷和墨西哥,最近多发于亚利桑那州和印第安纳州,这些游魂游荡与很多地方,经历了几百年。所有这些游魂生前都有过共同的经历,那就是,她们的丈夫不忠,于是她们在气急败坏之下谋杀了自己的孩子,当她们意识到自己的作为的时候,又悲痛欲绝,只能自杀。谋杀和自杀两项罪名,在基督教义中,足以构成诅咒的条件。这些游魂一旦撞见不忠的男人,就会杀了他。

Dean: So this is where she drowned her kids. (那么,这正好是她淹死她孩子们的地点吧。)
Sam: That’s why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them. (她无法面对自己杀死的孩子,这是她说她 could never go home的原因。)
Dean: You found her weak spot. Nice work Sammy. (你发现了她的弱点,好样的!)

13.About a month ago this guy-- they found his car but he’d vanished, completely M.I.A.
——M I A 下落不明 missing in action

14. “温氏捉鬼理论”高级课程
-You know there’s EVP on that? (你知道这部手机里装了EVP吧?)
-Dean: Not bad, Sammy. Kind of like riding a bike isn’t it? All right. I slowed the message down, and ran it through a Gold Wave took out the hiss, and this is what I got. (你不赖嘛,sammy,捉鬼像骑自行车那么简单吧!对头!当我把语音留言声音放慢,然后用Gold Wave 过滤掉杂音,然后得到这个)
—— EVP-Electronic Voice Phenomena灵异电子音频现象,该设备可以灵敏的侦查到不同的电子活动,比如电子设备的静电干扰,从而感知到灵异物体的存在与否,因为现在有种理论说,死者可以通过电子设备的静电干扰和白噪音的形式与生者沟通。感兴趣的小朋友请google EVP,近年来该现象在西方世界引起了不少反响。据说用简单的设备就可以录制到有灵异信息的音频资料,从而与亡故者交流。但注意,该理论还存在着许多争议。
——white noise 该对话中没有出现这个词,但是这是关键的理论。白噪音,是指宽频带内幅度均为随机的一类声波,经常用于测试音响的谐振和灵敏度。这里用一种叫gold wave的波形编辑软件(真实存在)把一段普通的语音留言中的白噪音过滤出来,并且将这些白噪音中有用的信息保留,去除其余杂音,就形成了另一个声音文件。
