时间:4月26日(星期六) 18:30 - 19:30
1.City versus Jungle
-The story of Rio 2 happened in these places.
Rio de Janeiro & The Amazon Jungle
-Describe the city and jungle.
2.I Choose You!
-Which bird would you like to have as a pet?
Blu: shy but smart
Jewel: independent and adventurous
Carla: confident and beautiful
Tiago: brave and active
Nico: loves music and parties
Pedro: handsome and nice
-What kind of pet do you want? Describe how it would look and act.
-Rio de Janeiro is famous for its annual carnival. Here are some pictures of the festival.
Name a famous festival in your country.
Is it similar to the carnival?
What happens in that festival?
Where does it happen?
-Pretend that you can start your own carnival.What would you like to see in it?
What colors would you like to use?
What music would you like to hear?
Where would you like the festival to happen?
What kind of floats would you like to see in the parade? How many would you use in your parade?
4.Picture Frame Game
-Look at the pictures and read the sentences. Answer the questions that follow.
A family of birds is traveling through the river while riding a giant lotus.
What other movie has a family of animals in it?
-The animals are at the beach.
When was the last time you were at the beach?
-There are many different animals in the Amazon jungle.
If you can visit a jungle, what animals would you like to see?
-The birds are flying over the Amazon River.
The Amazon River is famous in South America.
What river is famous in your country?
-There are fruits on top of the dog's head. Can you name the fruits in the picture?
What other fruits do you know?
5.The Amazon: An Imaginary Tour
-There are many ways to see the Amazon jungle. Which one would you like to do?
Would you like to go bird watching?
Would you like to walk around the jungle and see the different plants and animals?
Would you like to ride a canoe and paddle through the trees?
Would you like to feel relaxed and ride a cruise along the Amazon River?
What are the activities that you can do both in the city and in the jungle?
What outdoor activity would you like to try?
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