





Her mother, Deborah, all along had been supportive of our relationship, and even joked about when we were going to get married so she could have grandchildren. Instead of congratulations upon hearing our news, Deborah counseled Gail to be really sure she was doing the right thing. "So it was all right for me to date him, but it's wrong for me to marry him. Is his color the problem, Mom?" Gail subsequently told me she had asked her mother. "To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them. But when I met Mark I found him a charming and intelligent young guy. Any mother would be proud to have him for a son-in-law.
她的母亲德博拉过去一直赞成我们的关系,甚至还开过玩笑,问我们打算何时结婚,这样她就可以抱外孙了。但这次听到我们要结婚的消息时,她没有向我们表示祝贺,反而劝盖尔想清楚自己的决定是否正确。 “这么说我跟他约会没错,但是如果我跟他结婚,就错了。妈妈,是不是因为他的肤色?”盖尔后来告诉我她曾这样问她母亲。 “首先我必须承认,刚开始时我对异族通婚是有保留意见的,也许你甚至可以把这称为偏见。但是当我见到马克时,我发现他是一个既讨人喜欢又聪明的年轻人。任何一个母亲都会因为有这样一个女婿而感到脸上有光的。