


Leslie Farmer

"If you structure the assignment in a creative way, and if students, for instance, have to transform the information into a handout, or do a drama, or write an account in first person narrative, then you may curb illicit work," said library media teacher Leslie Farmer. That kind of strategy, some experts say, will basically force students to do more than simply download their education.
“如果你布置的作业新颖独特,比如学生们必须根据给定的内容写一份讲义、写一个剧本,或用第一人称写一篇叙述文,那么你就能制止来路不正的作业。”图书馆媒体教师莱斯利•法默如是说。 有的专家说,这种策略将从根本上迫使学生去更多地学习,而不只是下载网上的资料。