



My grandparents believed that you were either honest or you were not. There was no middle ground. They had a simple saying hanging on their living-room wall: "Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show." They didn't have to talk about it; they demonstrated this truth in their lifestyle. They understood instinctively that integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner compass for judging your behavior.
我祖父母认为,一个人要么诚实,要么不诚实,两者之间没有折中可言。在他们起居室的墙上挂着一句朴实无华的格言:“生活如新雪覆盖的大地,走过之处必定留下足迹。”他们没有必要去用语言作出解释, 因为他们用自己的生活方式印证了这一真理。 他们生来就认为,所谓正直,就是有自己的道德界定标准,既不贪财图利,也不因所处的环境而妥协。正直是判断自身行为的心灵标尺。