


Dr. Elkins

Mr. Albertson

It just confused me even more. Neither of our dinner guests seemed particularly suited for his chosen job. For instance, Dr. Elkins, who claimed to be an expert at performing surgery, had trouble cutting his meat. And Mr. Albertson, the naval aircraft pilot, had difficulty targeting his mouth with his food. Every second spoonful was dropped to the ground. I couldn't imagine what his navigation skills were like in a fighter plane. Dinner was over, our guests left, the night was getting later, and I was still "undeclared". I got out the list of majors and began paging through the possibilities for the millionth time.
而是让我更加糊涂。 我们的客人似乎都不太适合他们所选的工作。就说艾尔肯斯医生吧,他宣称自己是外科手术专家,可连切肉都成问题。而艾伯森先生虽然是个海军飞行员,却连饭都喂不到嘴里去。他老是把饭往地板上掉。我无法想象他开战斗机的技术会是什么样子。 饭吃完了,客人也离开了,夜更深了,而我的专业还是处于“未定”状态。我把专业目录拿出来,又开始一页页地翻看起可选的专业来,这都翻得有上百万次了。