概述: 说完这些话后,海军陆战队战士转过身,离开了医院。。。 Hints: the North Carolina Marine Corps Brooklyn Red Cross
"I knew immediately there'd been a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and his son just wasn't here. When I realized he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I guessed he really needed me. So I stayed." With that, the marine turned and exited the hospital. Two days later a message came in from the North Carolina Marine Corps base informing the Brooklyn Red Cross that the real son was on his way to Brooklyn for his father's funeral. It turned out there had been two marines with the same name and similar numbers in the camp. Someone in the personnel office had pulled out the wrong record. But the wrong marine had become the right son at the right time. And he proved, in a very human way, that there are people who care what happens to their fellow men.
“当时我就知道弄错了。但我同样也知道,他需要他的儿子,而他的儿子又恰好不在。当我发现他病得这么重,都认不出我不是他的儿子后,我想他确实是很需要我的。所以我留下来了。” 说完这些话后,海军陆战队战士转过身,离开了医院。两天后,北卡罗来纳海军陆战队基地给布鲁克林红十字会发来一份通知:老人真正的儿子正在前往布鲁克林参加他父亲葬礼的路上。原来,军中恰好有两个海军陆战队队员同名同姓,并且编号相近。人事部的官员拿错了档案。 但是,这个假儿子在老人真正需要儿子的时刻却成了真正的儿子。而且他以一种非常人道的方式,证明了在这个世界上确实有人会关心自己同胞的遭遇。