概述: 不论你用什么方式。。。 Hints: 无 PS:全文有5个引号~~~
Any way you can get across the message "We're in this together" can help bridge gaps that conflicts might otherwise create. Keep calm. You can easily destroy your credibility by getting angry or too excited during a conversation. Instead of "You're ruining your life!", say "I'm concerned about what might happen if ..." "What do you think you might do in a situation like that?" Don't apply double standards. Teenagers pay close attention to double standards. Don't expect them to follow rules you don't follow yourself. Whether it's about checking in by the phone, putting things away or drinking out of the milk carton, "Do as I say and not as I do" will not improve the relationship.
不论你用什么方式,只要能将“这是我们共同的事”这一信息传达给孩子,就有助于弥合本可能由冲突带来的鸿沟。 保持冷静。交谈时生气或者太激动,你就可能轻易地毁了自己的可信度。不要说“你毁了你的一生!”而要说“我担心如果......会怎么样。在这种情况下,你想你可能怎么办?” 不要使用双重标准。青少年非常警惕双重标准。别指望他们遵守你自己都不遵守的规则。无论是打电话报平安,还是叫他们收拾东西,或用奶盒喝牛奶,“照我说的做”而不是“照我做的做”是不会改善关系的。