• [英语听力] 童话听写:白雪公主05

    皇后想出办法想害白雪公主……她能得逞吗?The next day, the queen disguised herself as a comb seller. She came to the house of the seven dwarfs with a basket of poisonous combs. "I will have not...

    2011-06-14 21:32
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:白雪公主04

    狠毒的皇后想了一个坏主意要除掉白雪公主…… Hints: Snow WhiteThe magic mirror told the queen that Snow White was still alive and living with the seven dwarfs. The queen disguised herself as a ...

    2011-06-10 09:39
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:白雪公主03

    公主走到一个小屋子,接下去发生了什么事情呢?Snow White ran into the forest. She wandered aimlessly, until she came to a small house. The house was unlocked and no one was in. There were seven ...

    2011-06-09 11:52
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:白雪公主02

    白雪公主长大了,皇后可受不了,会发生什么事情呢?As Snow White grew up, she became more and more beautiful. Everyone liked her, except the queen. One day the queen asked the mirror as usual, "M...

    2011-06-08 10:20
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:白雪公主01

    Hints: Snow WhiteIn a beautiful country, there lived a king and a queen. They had a little princess. Her skin was as white as snow. Her lips were as red as a cherry and her hair was as dark as eb...

    2011-06-07 11:41
  • [电影] 《白雪公主与猎人》:休杰克曼搭档暮色女主 “金刚狼”变“猎人”?


    2011-04-11 14:00
  • [电影] “吸血鬼恋人”克里斯汀•斯图尔特新片扮演“白雪公主”


    2011-03-23 18:08