• [英语听力] 情景商务英语:042 道别(二)

    **全文听写**Hints:UmChina AirMichigan本节目订阅地址:点击订阅更方便。Thanks for seeing me off at the airport. I really appreciate it. No problem, it's my pleasure. I am glad you had a chance to ...

    2011-12-29 19:47
  • [英语听力] 情景商务英语:041 道别(一)

    **全文听写** 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。And that concludes our tour. We'd like to thank you for coming, and we hope you enjoyed your time with us today. Do you have any questions about t...

    2011-12-28 19:00
  • [英语听力] 情景商务英语:040 礼貌提问(二)

    **全文听写** 翻译后有昨天和今天的词汇总结,大家可以参照一下。 Hints: 数字10以上,写成阿拉伯数字。 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。Would you like to have something to drink? Yes, please, that...

    2011-12-27 19:00
  • [英语听力] 情景商务英语:039 礼貌提问(一)

    **今天是听写填空** A: Hello! You have reached the offices of Maddox and McKnight, can I help you? B: Yes, my name is Max Richards. May I please speak to George Nelson? I have already called seve...

    2011-12-26 19:00
  • [英语听力] 情景商务英语:038 传达坏消息(二)

    **全文听写** 翻译后有昨天和今天的词汇总结,大家可以参照一下。 Hints: Hardy Wow 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。I got an email from our supplier yesterday about this quarter's order. It doesn...

    2011-12-25 19:00
  • [英语听力] 情景商务英语:037 传达坏消息(一)

    **全文听写** Hints: Bob Stewart 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。Bob, can I talk to you for a minute? There have been some developments on the Stewart case that I really need to talk to you a...

    2011-12-24 19:00
  • [英语听力] 情景商务英语:036 聊天(二)

    **全文听写** 翻译里,继续昨天和今天的知识点总结,大家记得看看哦。 Hints: Denver huh 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。Can I get you something to drink? No, that's okay. I already have a coke...

    2011-12-23 19:00
  • [英语听力] 情景商务英语:035 聊天(一)

    **全文听写** Hints: Steve Saunders Patti Whitney Long Island Los Angeles East Coast California Disneyland 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。Hi there, I'm Steve Saunders. What's your name? I...

    2011-12-22 19:00
  • [英语听力] 情景商务英语:034 个人介绍(二)

    **全文听写** 翻译后面有昨天和今天的两课知识点总结。 这部分内容,原本应该在节目中出小组节目,大家可以积极讨论,但最近实在是没时间。以后有精力,会考虑制作小组节目,大家也可以多多参与互动。 Hints: ...

    2011-12-21 19:00
  • [英语听力] 情景商务英语:033 个人介绍(一)

    **全文听写** Hints: Gordon Algor Tang Julia Gordon 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。Ms. Gordon, I am pleased to present Algor Tang from London. Mr. Tang is one of our foremost clients and wil...

    2011-12-20 19:00