• [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S02E01-part1 精神分裂症的女子

    本期导读:精神分裂的女子会是杀人犯吗? -Foster: The camera, the strange white room. She's afraid. -Eli: And we're about to get funky. This is from 4 hours ago... Right before ____1_____. -Ca...

    2012-01-02 12:32
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S02E01-part1 精神分裂症的女子

    本期导读:精神分裂的女子会是杀人犯吗? -Foster: The camera, the strange white room. She's afraid. -Eli: And we're about to get funky. This is from 4 hours ago Right before ____1_____.

    2012-01-02 12:32
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S01E012-part5 厉害的Lightman

    本期导读:观察入微的Lightman找出了凶手 -Lightman: Go home. -Torres: You used me. -Lightman: You made it easy. -Torres: How did you know how to get to Jenkins? -Lightman: In prison, the f...

    2011-12-27 00:00
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S01E13-part3 爆炸的伪装

    本期导读: 根据之前得到的信息,第二起爆炸案的受害人父亲很有嫌疑,但他还不是幕后黑手;与此同时,对爆炸现场的搜查却发现了爆炸物是如何伪装的了。 -Record (Kahn): It's unacceptable! Completely

    2011-12-26 21:27
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S01E13-part3 爆炸的伪装

    本期导读: 根据之前得到的信息,第二起爆炸案的受害人父亲很有嫌疑,但他还不是幕后黑手;与此同时,对爆炸现场的搜查却发现了爆炸物是如何伪装的了。 -Record (Kahn): It's unacceptable! Completely una...

    2011-12-26 21:27
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S01E13-part2 偷渡犯

    本期导读: 经过对足球教练的审问,得出他是个偷渡犯,很多孩子都是经他的手偷渡到美国的,但是他与爆炸案无关,不是他,那是谁干的呢? -Lightman: I apologize for the 1_________ before, but the road ...

    2011-12-25 21:16
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S01E13-part2 偷渡犯

    本期导读: 经过对足球教练的审问,得出他是个偷渡犯,很多孩子都是经他的手偷渡到美国的,但是他与爆炸案无关,不是他,那是谁干的呢? -Lightman: I apologize for the 1_________ before, but the r

    2011-12-25 21:16
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S01E13-part1 公车发生爆炸

    本期导读: 一辆公车发生爆炸,警方拘捕了袭击者的足球队教练,Dr. Lightman要求见人,调查逐步展开。 -Reynolds: Everyone's in shock, but we've got to push forward right now. -Foster: So what

    2011-12-24 20:30
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S01E13-part1 公车发生爆炸

    本期导读: 一辆公车发生爆炸,警方拘捕了袭击者的足球队教练,Dr. Lightman要求见人,调查逐步展开。 -Reynolds: Everyone's in shock, but we've got to push forward right now. -Foster: So what do y...

    2011-12-24 20:30
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S01E012-part4 Torres决定引蛇出洞

    本期导读:Torres决定将受害者直接带给罪犯看,但却遭受到Lightman的反对,结果会是怎么样呢? -Lightman: It's Torres. -Torres: How's Foster? Is she okay? -Lightman: Well, yeah. She's okay. -To...

    2011-12-24 01:05