• [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S02E05-part1 Lightman做卧底

    本期导读:Lightman为了Terry,决定冒险-Cal: Yeah, I'll see what I can find out from him.-Cal: Hey. Hey.-Ben Reynolds: Your buddy has lost his FBI tail. Now do you have any clue on where he could b...

    2012-01-25 10:11
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S02E05-part1 Lightman做卧底

    本期导读:Lightman为了Terry,决定冒险-Cal: Yeah, I'll see what I can find out from him.-Cal: Hey. Hey.-Ben Reynolds: Your buddy has lost his FBI tail. Now do you have any clue on where he could b

    2012-01-25 10:11
  • [英语听力] 【别对我撒谎】S02E05-part1 Lightman做卧底

    http://p1.s.hjfile.cn/thread/201110/2011101881320343_976_o.jpg 本期导读: Lightman为了Terry,决定冒险 http://player.you

    2012-01-25 10:11
  • [英语听力] 【别对我撒谎】S02E04-part5 劝诱

    http://p1.s.hjfile.cn/thread/201110/2011101881320343_976_o.jpg 本期导读: 通过一番心灵的解读,Cal好不容易劝着Eric就要放下枪支,可就在这时进来了2个警察,这让刚刚平静下来的Er

    2012-01-23 20:37
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S02E04-part5 劝诱

    本期导读:通过一番心灵的解读,Cal好不容易劝着Eric就要放下枪支,可就在这时进来了2个警察,这让刚刚平静下来的Eric再一次失去了理智,他会做出什么事情呢?警方又将如何制服他?-Cal: Did you know your wif...

    2012-01-23 20:37
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S02E04-part4 欠债

    本期导读:没有工作的Eric向一个好哥们借了点钱,妻子知道了这件事,想帮他还债,但是后来却发生了不测,到底是谁的错?-Forster: How did you know Connie Matheson?-Tom: She worked for me.-Forster: Did yo...

    2012-01-22 20:02
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S02E04-part3 所谓的坚固爱情

    本期导读:现在的Eric没有工作,但据他说他们夫妻感情坚固,试想一个没有工作的丈夫让妻子养家,这样的爱情会长久吗?-Eric: Yes, I do. Take a seat.-Eric: You married?-Cal: Not anymore, no.-Eric: So, whi...

    2012-01-21 20:07
  • [英语听力] 【别对我撒谎】S02E04-part3 所谓的坚固爱情

    http://p1.s.hjfile.cn/thread/201110/2011101881320343_976_o.jpg 本期导读: 现在的Eric没有工作,但据他说他们夫妻感情坚固,试想一个没有工作的丈夫让妻子养家,这样的爱情会长久吗?

    2012-01-21 20:07
  • [英语听力] 【别对我撒谎】S02E04-part2 Cal被挟持了

    http://p1.s.hjfile.cn/thread/201110/2011101881320343_976_o.jpg 本期导读: Eric暂时没有工作,之前跟人借了一笔钱,但是他的妻子却莫名被人杀死,别人都怀疑是Eric亲手杀死了妻子,事

    2012-01-20 00:43
  • [英语听力] 别对我撒谎:S02E04-part2 Cal被挟持了

    本期导读:Eric暂时没有工作,之前跟人借了一笔钱,但是他的妻子却莫名被人杀死,别人都怀疑是Eric亲手杀死了妻子,事实到底如何呢,敬请继续关注~~-Eric: Come on, come on, come on.-Cal: How's everyone beh...

    2012-01-20 00:43