• [英语听力] 全球经济峰会举行 (1)

    华盛顿金融峰会于11日举行。各国首脑汇聚一堂商讨如何放缓经济下滑。 提示:Charles Dallara,Fred Bergsten,PetersonCharles Dallara, who heads an association of global financial institutions, says it ...

    2008-11-12 00:00
  • [英语听力] 华盛顿金融峰会即将举行 (2)

    作为交换,银行必须限制高级官员的薪水。美国的9大银行已经同意接受资金的一半。 提示:Standard & Poor'sIn return, the banks have to restrict pay for top officials. The nation's 9 largest banks have a...

    2008-10-31 00:00
  • [英语听力] 华盛顿金融峰会即将举行 (2)

    作为交换,银行必须限制高级官员的薪水。美国的9大银行已经同意接受资金的一半。 提示:Standard & Poor's In return, the banks have to restrict pay for top officials. The nation's 9 largest banks have

    2008-10-31 00:00
  • [英语听力] 财经报道之一


    2008-10-08 00:00
  • [英语听力] 美国金融危机带来了什么? (2)

    原来只要房价在涨,次贷产生的问题就不大,因为还款有困难的房贷户还可以卖掉房子获取利润,然后偿还贷款。But lower lending standards meant some subprime borrowers got mortgages they could not afford. ...

    2008-09-29 00:00
  • [英语听力] 抑制金融危机 (2)

    本周,美国政府同意帮助AIG,但却拒绝对一家大型投资银行(雷曼兄弟)进行援救。 提示:Henry Paulson ,Merrill Lynch,Lehman Brothers,Morgan Stanley,Goldman Sachs In a speech in July, Treasury Secre...

    2008-09-29 00:00
  • [英语听力] 美国金融危机带来了什么?

    美国的金融危机源于抵押贷款所带来的问题,抵押贷款指,借贷者从银行贷款来购买房屋。The financial crisis grows out of problems with mortgages, which are loans from a bank that helps a borrower to buy...

    2008-09-28 00:00