提示:Standard & Poor's
In return, the banks have to restrict pay for top officials. The nation's 9 largest banks have already agreed to accept half the money. The money will come from the financial rescue plan passed by Congress. The aim is to increase lending, but experts predict banks may also use the new capital to buy…
作为交换,银行必须限制高级官员的薪水。美国的9大银行已经同意接受资金的一半。该资金将来自于国会已通过的财政救助计划。其目标是增加贷款,但是专家预测银行也可能会用这新资金去收购小银行。 在华盛顿,政府官员也在考虑新措施来帮助那些有困难的房主。国会委员会举行了一场有关信用评级机构及其在金融危机中所起作用的…