• [英语听力] Earth&Sky:全球变暖已经影响到生物物种的发展

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,5-10句,不用写标号,注意标点,口语中因结巴等问题造成的重复单词只写一遍~ Camille Parmesan: Well, That's a surprising thing that we haven't really had that much war...

    2011-11-23 06:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:提倡新型都市生活

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,5-10句,不用写标号,注意标点,口语中因结巴等问题造成的重复单词只写一遍~ Henry Cisneros: The motivating force in my work is to try to create housing as the vehicle.

    2011-11-22 06:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:提倡新型都市生活

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,5-10句,不用写标号,注意标点,口语中因结巴等问题造成的重复单词只写一遍~ Henry Cisneros: The motivating force in my work is to try to create housing as the vehicle...

    2011-11-22 06:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:抗老化基因可以延长寿命

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,5-10句,不用写标号,注意标点,口语中因结巴等问题造成的重复单词只写一遍~ Hint: sirtuins Lenny Guarente, a biology professor at MIT, is trying to learn how to mani...

    2011-11-21 06:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:发展核能为哪般?

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,5-10句,不用写标号,注意标点,口语中因结巴等问题造成的重复单词只写一遍~ Hints: uranium aspirin Today, a student from Africa asks the scientists about nuclear ene...

    2011-11-20 06:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:科学吃法真的有益吗?

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,5个左右的句子,不用写标号,注意标点,口语中因结巴等问题造成的重复单词只写一遍~ Hints: antioxidants omega-3 Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma, is ...

    2011-11-19 06:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:为什么不是每样东西都能回收利用呢

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,5个左右的句子,不用写标号,注意标点,口语中因结巴等问题造成的重复单词只写一遍~ Today, a student asks the scientists… Sofia: My name is Sofia Andrade and my ques...

    2011-11-18 06:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:运用纳米技术来运输药物

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,5个左右的句子,不用写标号,注意标点,口语中因结巴等问题造成的重复单词只写一遍~ Joseph DeSimone: One of the challenges with a solid tumor like pancreatic tumors, i...

    2011-11-17 06:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:一种能将废物变成燃料的真菌

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,5个左右的句子,不用写标号,注意标点,口语中因结巴等问题造成的重复单词只写一遍~ Gary Strobel: There aren't any other organisms that I know of that do this interest...

    2011-11-16 06:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:经济建立于科学之上

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,5个左右的句子,不用写标号,注意标点,口语中因结巴等问题造成的重复单词只写一遍~ Kenneth Arrow: Science is not dogma. Science is a process of self-correction. Yo

    2011-11-15 06:00