3. We know layering is the way to go but, erm: 穿衣有层次虽好,但不能过……
First, I’d like to be nice: gorgeous shoes, B! Now, off to the nasty side of me. WTH? This is some weird gypsy meets homeless person meets Burberry store look that I really, really do not dig. The dress looks like a tablecloth wrapped around her body haphazardly before running out of the house, the the scarf is totally not needed.


绯闻女孩不时尚 Queen B现实版乱搭成灾

I'm coming at you, armed with scissors! 拿着剪刀就冲过来了……

时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题