





  例(1) The author write this passage to _____ 。(1995年6月六级题30)

  A. discuss the negative aspects of being attractive

  B. give advice to job-seekers who are attractive

  C. demand equal rights for woman

  D. emphasize the importance of appearance

  (分析:文章中心意思是讲漂亮对女性的不利影响(But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability。)但B项表达的意思偏离了主题(不是提供建议),且不是对所有外貌有魁力的人而言的;C项内容太笼统,太宽,不是讲女权平等;D项内 容与文章主旨相反。故选A项。)






  例(1) According to the passage, which of the following statement is TRUE?(1996年1月六级题35)

  A. Future man will be made of silicon instead of flesh and blood。

  B. Some day it will be difficult to tell a computer from a man

  C. The reasoning power of computers has already surpassed that of man?

  D. Future intelligent life may not necessarily be made of organic matter。

  (分析:此题是一个细节判断题。A项与原文内容相反,过于绝对化,原文是说由硅材料构成的计算机可能成为一种新的智慧生命,并不是说已经是。B 项内容原文中根本没提到。C项说计算机的推理能力目前已超过人类,但原文内容只是说到90年代,第6代计算机的问世,其推理能力才与人类的大脑相匹配,而 不是已超过,故与原文内容有出入。因此答案是D项。)




  例(1) It can be inferred from the passage that earlier generations didn't realize _____ 。(1993年6月六级题27)

  A. the interdependence of water, soil and living things

  B. the importance of the proper land use

  C. the harmfulness of soil destruction and river floods

  D. the extraordinary rapid growth of population

  (分析:此题属从事实描述的基础上进行推理。短文主要讲了"环保是我们生活的一部分"。地下水位的重要性以及保护植被对保护源头的意义和充分利 用江河中的水资源的意义。而文章开头就提出一种观点"我们要着手弥补先辈们的错误。"由此可推断出早期先辈们没有意识到水、土地、生物之间的相互依存关 系,选A项。B、C项推理出的观点太窄,不能概括整段中心,D项短文中根本没提到。)

  例(2) It can be concluded from the passage that the introduction of electronic media into the world of music _____ 。(1996年1月六级题24)

  A. has brought about an information revolution

  B. has speeded up the advent of a new generation of computers

  C. has given rise to new forms of music culture

  D. has led to the transformation of traditional musical instruments

  (分析:短文中句电子媒体本身是"信息革命"(information revolution)的一部分,而A项说"导致、带来"(brought about)信息革命,属推理过头。文中还谈到计算机本身是一种电子媒体,而这种媒体又是音乐物质文化的一个更为重要的部分,而B项"加速新一代计算机的 产生"从逻辑上推不出来。D项说导致了传统乐器的变革,而文中根本没提到"traditional musical instruments"属不在事实基础上进行揄,故错。因此,选项C才是正确答案。)

  (四)观点态度题干扰项特点纵观历届四、六级阅读理解试题在考查学生揣测作者观点态度时,正确选项要么是肯定、赞扬、褒义性的(如 positive, support, useful, interesting, admiring等)要么是否定、批评、贬义性的(如disgust, critical, negative, disappointment等)而又以否定、贬义性居多。所以此类题型中的中性词(如indifferent, ambivalent, neutral, humor, disinterested, impassive)一般均为干扰项。


  例(1) The author's attitude toward the communications revolution is _____ . (1998年 6月六级题25)

  (分析:答案是(B)critical 其它选项(A)positive, (C)indifferent, (D)tolerant均为干扰项。)

  例(2) What the last paragraph tells us is the author's _____ . (1998年1月六级题30)

  A. detailed analysis of the ways of raising poultry in Bangladesh

  B. great appreciation of the development of poultry industry in Bangladesh。

  C. critical view on the development of the poultry industry in Bangladesh

  D. practical suggestion for the improvement of the poultry industry industry in Bangladesh。


  例(3) The author's attitude towards the speaker's remarks is _____ 。(1996年1月四级题68)

  (分析:正确答案为(C)critical, 其它选项(A)neutral, (B)positive, (D)compromising 均为干扰项。)