2) Talk to people.

Before you make a change, you need to find out "what the career and job really involve -- not your fantasy," Phillips says.

For example, many careers, ranging from interior design to financial planning, may involve selling your services in addition to performing them. Or you may be enticed by the high average salary of your dream job, only to find that it's a field where a few people make a lot and most people make very little.

To get the real story, talk to people who work in the field you're targeting. You can find them through your college alumni association, professional associations, and schools with programs in the field.

3) Assess your experience.

The lowest-risk decision for a hiring manager is to choose someone who has done the job before, Phillips says. So if you try to compete in a new field, you'll be at a disadvantage.

"It's just hard to sell yourself when you don't have any experience, or the experience that you do have is a complete disconnect," he says. "You can't make your past not exist."

This doesn't mean it's impossible to change careers. But you may need to find a substitute for the experience you lack. One way to do this: networking.

"Does somebody know you from a former company?" Fireman asks. People are much more likely to take a risk on someone they have worked with in the past, even if it was in a different job. Volunteer experience can also help, Fireman said.

4) Build a bridge.

Not all career changes are equally difficult. The hardest is to move to a field where none of your previous experience is relevant. Often, though, you can find a way to build on your previous experience while doing something new.

Consider staying in your industry but moving to a new role so you can play up your industry knowledge. Or you could keep working in finance, for example, but for a biotech company instead of a publisher. In that case, you can show that you have already done the job, even if the industry is new.

